B-chan and a Mukami

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    ~ Couldn't think of a better title. Why won't my brain work lol? ~

"What took you so long? I'm starving." I called out once Yui was within earshot.

"I got held up after class. You didn't have to wait for me." Yui said with a weak smile. She looked tired and drained of energy. 

"Are you okay? You look a little pale." I asked a little worried. She looked fine this morning. Maybe she caught something. "Do you want to go to the nurse's office?" She refused to go to the nurse and claimed she was just feeling light headed because she was hungry. I could tell that wasn't the whole story. She was acting off. I just met her this morning but she was definitely  acting different before we split up to go to our classes. She seemed more timid and guarded. "If you're really okay I'll leave it alone, but if something is bothering you and you need someone to talk to I'm here for you, alright?" She nodded her head but said nothing. Well I guess that's the end of that. 

I hooked my arm through hers and walked her into the lunchroom. We both grabbed a sandwich and some juice. I looked around the cafeteria for a place to sit, but everything was pretty much taken. "Do you want to go to the roof?" I looked at Yui and waited for her answer. She stayed silent but nodded her head. What's wrong with her? She can't really be okay if she's acting like this... 

Once we made our way to the roof, we found a bench to sit on and began digging into our food. I let the silence drag on until Yui was ready to say something. I didn't want to make her feel as if she had to talk or had to do something. I knew that if I kept talking or trying to get a response it would only push her farther away. So I waited. Eventually she started to talk about little things like how her other classes were and the amount of homework she's already received. I could tell she was slowly starting to relax and eventually returned to how she was this morning. Whatever happened before lunch must have really gotten to her... 

"So did you have anymore teachers like Akui-sensei?" Yui asked before taking a sip of her juice and making a sour face. I let out a small laugh, her facial expression was too funny to keep it in.

"No and why are you drinking that if you don't like it?" I giggled. The girl was straight up drinking 100% cranberry juice. 

"It's good for your health, even if it does taste super sour. Plus Reiji told me to drink them."

"Reiji huh? You don't have to listen to him you know." She glanced up at me, her eyes wide as if I had said something totally unthinkable. She looked back down and began fidgeting with her straw.

"You make it sound so simple, but it's not. I-I'll be puni--" The sound of the roof door opening stopped Yui from finishing. We both looked up to see who had come up here but they hadn't turned the corner to where we were sitting.

"Bitch-chan are you up here?"  a familiar voice rang out. Bitch-chan? Who the hell is this fucker referring to?  I noticed Yui tense up and quickly scoot a little closer to me. She put her finger over her mouth telling me to stay quiet and then continued eating what was left of her lunch. She was trying to act as if nothing was wrong, but I could see her fingers slightly trembling. I decided to listen to her and stay silent. I'll ask her what the hells going on when who ever it is that's making her so anxious leaves. "Bitch-chan I know you're up here." I could hear someone heading towards us. Who ever it was had some seriously light foot steps. I doubt any normal human would be able to hear them.

"Who the fuck are you calling a bitch?" I snapped knowing that whoever it was would find us pretty soon. The foot steps paused for a second then they kept coming. The male sauntered around the corner and towards us with a smirk on his face. "Laito? What are you doing up here?" I questioned as soon as he turned the corner.

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