Chapter Four | Nick

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I stir awake, my eyelids heavy and slow as the dim room comes into view.

It's still dark. I don't normally wake up early on the weekends...

Wait a minute... I hold my breath, listening to the sound of rainfall outside. The low grumble of thunder is heard moments later.

I hope the thunderstorm is enough reason to cancel this morning. I don't have to meet up with my sister for another hour and a half, but my sister might want to set me up with her own set of women seeing how she has her own reasons why she wants me to date.

I could think of worse situations. Unlike our mother, Caitlin isn't trying to push me down the aisle. She just wants to make sure I don't die alone.

I think she'd like Talia though. The two of them would definitely get along.

Even though I was knocked on my ass when I found out who she was.

I push myself into a sitting position, resting my back against the headboard, running a hand through my hair as I think back to that morning.

I had fun hanging out with her at the diner. Her humor, her wit, how easy it was to talk to her... the way she just relaxed across from me while we ate breakfast, and it was so fucking comfortable and natural.

The way her eyes felt on me...

I wouldn't have asked her out. She's way too young...
But I couldn't help but entertain the idea for a little bit.  She's beautiful.

And then I found out who she was.

I remember seeing her sitting in one of the desks and clenching my hand so hard that my knuckles turned red and realization hit. I was angry. Because at that moment, I was jealous. I was jealous of all these high school pricks who got a chance to be with her.

Her flawless skin and big brown eyes. Her luscious lips that I think she caught me staring at.

The way she sat back, let her hair down, and just ate in front of me.

Everything felt effortless.

But the girl of my dreams is off-limits. She's my student, and she's eighteen. It's not even an option.

She's a kid.

My phone vibrates on the nightstand, and I reach over, and grab it, groaning when I see the name that appears on the screen, but still I swipe at the green button and press the phone against my ear. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Josslyn, also known as Ms. Carver to her students, laughs softly. The woman is used to every man begging for her attention.

Well, almost everyone.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're not happy to hear from me."

I keep my snicker to myself.

Most women  knew the score of getting involved in a casual sex relationship. Josslyn Carver, my former friend with benefits, didn't understand what it meant getting involved with me. She didn't let the fact that I bluntly told her that I don't want a serious relationship with her keep her from crawling into my bed anymore than she let her husband hold her back from trying to get me to change my mind.

"How are you?" Joss asks, her voice taking on that sexy sultry tone that only comes out when she wants something.

"Still rich and not looking for anything serious," I answer. "How's your husband doing?"

"Why do you have to bring him up, Nick? I want to talk about us."

Us... I almost laugh out loud. There was never an us. Not really, anyways. We met at the faculty parking lot when I was leaving late because I stayed to grade papers and she was having car trouble. I offered to take her home, we talked and not once did she mention being married. She was beautiful and the attraction was clear between the both of us so we made a detour to my house.

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