Chapter Seventeen | Nick

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Cross Family breakfast is like a fucking event instead of a normal family having breakfast, but then again, when were we ever a normal family?

    I sit at the larger than life table with Caitlin on my right and my parents sitting on opposite ends of the table. For as long as I can remember, they've always sat like that. My father at one end of the table and my mother on the other end. They've never sat next to each other like a normal couple, never fed each other food, and I never saw my mom sneak sips from my dad drink because she was just that comfortable around him.

    No. Since I was a kid it was obvious there was no love between the two of them. Just cold air and a lot of distance. It's a miracle that Caitlin and I didn't end up as screwed up as I thought we would. Caitlin found Ryan who was able to deal with her over the top but well meaning personality and I found Talia who for some reason didn't see how truly fucked up I am.

    I pray that she never did.

    It was because of Talia that I was even here this morning. She insisted that I come this morning and show my face, even though I would have much rather stay in bed and have her for breakfast.

    But I knew she was right. I haven't seen my mother since my first day back in town when she tried pawning me off to that brunette. She was smart enough to give me some space to cool down, but I know my mother; she would come sneaking around eventually and I wasn't sure I was ready to expose Talia to her venom just yet.

    "It's so nice to have both my children here this morning." My mother smiles fondly at both Caitlin and I. "I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever."

    "Nick and I have just been so busy." Caitlin says.

    "I can understand you being busy sweetheart, but your brother spends his time teaching bratty teenagers how to read sentences." My father, Julian speaks up.

    I shoot him a look. He's never supported my decision to become a teacher.

    "Is that what you think I do? Because I like to think I'm making a difference in these kids lives." I argue.

    "Of course you are sweetheart," My mother says in a condescending tone to pacify me. "Your father is simply saying that he think your time and brains would be better suited for a job at the company, don't you think?"

    "I'm actually doing what makes me happy. Can I say the same for you dad?"

    "I'm one of the richest men in the world, so yes, I am happy Nicholas."

    "Oh yeah, I can tell you're living the life. Gorgeous mansion, beautiful wife..." I say. "Not to mention your mistress on the side. What's her name this time or did you finally decide to stop screwing around on
mom?" I sneer.

    "Nick." Caitlin warns, placing a hand over mine to calm me down.

    "That's enough." My mother scolds me. "I'll have you know your father and I are very happy together despite what his actions have been in the past and despite what you may think. Now if you're done stomping your feet like a child, I'd like to go back to having a nice breakfast with my children."

    Caitlin squeezes my hand and I take a calming breath before picking up my orange juice and taking a sip. I wish it was a little bit stronger, but this would have to do for now.

    "Sorry mother. I didn't mean to upset you." I apologize.

    "How's Ryan sweetie?" My mother asks, changing the subject.

    "He's good. Everything is great." Caitlin confesses, a huge smile on her face. It makes me happy to see my sister so in love with Ryan even after seven years together. "He actually took Isabella on a breakfast date this morning. Here's a picture of them." Caitlin holds out her phone for us to see and on the screen there's a picture of Ryan and Isabella making warrior faces with a giant stack of pancakes in front of them.

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