chapter 2

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Win:Gulf, listen to me carefully, don't panic okayyy?

Gulf:am I really dying???

Grace:win , don't scare us

Win:you are pregnant Gulf

Gulf: asshole don't you dare to make fun of me

Win:holding Gulf's hands
It's the truth Gulf, you are two months pregnant

Gulf:iam a man you asshole, how can I have a baby???

Win: you are hermophrodite, you have a womb and can have babies

Gulf:extreamily shocked can't  speak

Win:let's do a ultrasound

Gulf lays down win proceeds the scan, and grace holding gulfs hand

Win :look there on the screen, right there  , here is the baby

Gulf:touches the screen tearing up

Grace:sqeezes gulfs hand and also tearing upp

Win :you can get up now,
Grace:let's go out and eat first

Win Gulf nodss their head, and three of them got in to the car and grace drove to the cafe, the ride was silent coz grace and win gives time to gulf to sort out the overwhelming thoughts, grace ordered the food porridge for Gulf

Grace:let's have a talk Gulf

Gulf gulps*

Grace:when did you have a bf?

Gulf: phi I don't have bf and you know that

Win:who is the daddy??

Gulf explains the incident from the bar

Grace:for God's sake Gulf there is something called condom, don't you know??

Gulf: phi I wouldn't have done that in the frst place of iam concious

Grace:what do you think? How are gonna deal with the pregnancy? It's purely your choice,let me tell you whatever it is iam with youu

Win:me tooo

Gulf: iam not sure, but iam keeping the baby

Grace:you sure? You were modeling from high school and at last you got in an biggest firm

Gulf: I know phi, my baby is also my priority
For a year probably we would be working with simple brands, no shows or events

Win:you can work until 8months Or more

Grace:then it's settled

Win:talking about father, aren't you gonna inform him?

Grace:we can't hide it Gulf, it's his right

Gulf:I don't even know him, just know his face and slight memmory of someone calling him suppasit

Win:the great supppasittt!!!!!!!

Grace: which one? Let me google  for their pic

Shows pic of suppasit brothers and Gulf confirm mews picture

Win: Mew suppasittt, the most demanded bachelor in Thailand

Grace:he is famous for his flingss

Gulf:let's just tell him okayy, make sure he doesn't takes my baby awayy

After weeks

Win:y is it hard to get suppasit appoinmnt

Grace:I can't believe we are trying for weeks

Gulf:is he god or what??

Win:looks at thiss!!!!! Shows news in his phone

Grace:omg, he is getting married the hell??

Win:Gulf you work in his company, you never met him??

Gulf:nop, we are working from training building as of now so there no way he comes there

Win: what are we gonna do?

Grace:Gulf nearly got banned when he try to see him and accused of seducing ceo

Gulf:that's it, we do our best, let me take care of my baby alone

Grace:but Gulf

Gulf:phi, he is getting married, I can't make my baby become barrier to his lyf

Win:we are in this together, let's do it
Grace:dad is gonna kill him
Three of them hugss and giggles

Gulf spend his pregnancy period by throwing his heart outt every morning, weird cravings, back pain, leg cramps, and mood swingsss, win and grace were always with them, but Gulf also maintain to work for career after 8months they move to their family home and after delivery and came back

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