chapter 8

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On the day of the trip
In mew's and bright's shared mansion
They both moved out of penthouse together coz they want to feel home and their family mansion is out of town

Bright and win was having breakfast, mew also joins them

Mew :gd morning

Win : gdmorning  big brother

Bright : have your breakfast, don't make us late

Win: who is gonna drive

Mew : I will, can take my audi

Bright: off and zee will be there

Win : we can take gulf with us

Bright: okay,

Mew : I have a qstion win

Win : go on

Mew : who is kla's daddy?

Win : why you ask

Mew : isn't he mine??
Bright : wtf!!!!!!!!!!
Win : I don't.......

Before win complete Mew gives him a file and win was utterly shocked

Win : when did you take dna? Why??? Suttering*

Mew : kla was same as me, but I shrugg it off but when I know about gulf's condition, I decided to check in case

Bright: that make sence

Mew : I can't believe you guys don't even tell me

Win : we have reason Mew, he is regretting it, he is gonna tell you soon

Mew :  but why???

Win : you getting married was all over the news, and it was a one night stand what do you expect???

Mew : it was a business, I had enough suffering by that stupid deal, I never thought it cost me like this

Win : trust me, gupie had it worse

Bright : yes Mew, I have immense respect for him to deal with all by alone, I never know you was the father

Win : he will tell you soon

Mew : I can't wait to be with my son

Bright : really?? Is it only about your son???

Mew chuckles

Three of them get in to the car and drove to gulf's apartment, kla and gulf comes after win callls him, Mew help him with his bags, and drove off drove was silent  except kla blabbering , win and bright took a nap, gulf was strocking kla to sleep, Mew stealing glance at his family, offa nd zee with their bf's waiting at the front of the beach resort owned by Mew, kla already slept, every pair share a room and Mew gonna pair with gulf, it was their plan

Win : you go with Mew

Gulf : iam with kla it must be uncomfortable for Mew

Mew : I don't mind
While carrying gulf's bags

Everyone goes their rooom, gulf set kla on the bed, Mew take shower and it was gulf's turn , Mew sit on the bed and caress kla's hair and kiss his forehead
"Daddy will makeup to everthing, just wait for me to make your mommy mine"

Gulf in the shower
" How should I tell him? It's about time, I can't hide anymore, is he gonnna hate me, whatever I should deal with it"

Mew was sitting on the sofa, Gulf also sit beside him

Gulf : I need to tell you something

Mew faces him : go on

Gulf : it's.. ,

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