202 (Extra)

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For several days in a row, Jiang Xuan went to and from school carefully every day. In school, he carefully observed who was hostile to him, so that he was distracted even in class. His grades were good, but he was only hovering in the top 20 of his grade. It was also the result of his hard study, he didn't dare to be distracted in class, and worked hard after school, just to be qualified to walk by Qin Huai's side.

In class these days, his grades have obviously declined. In the third year of high school, especially in the top class he is in, if he is distracted, he can be opened up by more than ten points.

Qin Huai is always number one every year, and his grades have always been stable. He didn't go to the province's key scholarship to recruit him. It was only because the fourth middle school was close to his home, and his younger brother could still pass the entrance examination mark with hard work. That's why he chose the fourth middle school. But for Qin Huai's study, the teachers have always been relentless and laissez-faire, relentless is to hold on to all the resources to cultivate a champion, laissez-faire is like now, he said that if he doesn't want to waste time making up lessons, he really doesn't have to come to make up lessons.

That is the real master of learning. He learns anything easily. It is really tiring for people like him to catch up. If he does not work hard, he will always be tense, and he will be easily surpassed by the people next to him Seeing that he was distracted by other things during this period of time, Jiang Xuan's ranking dropped in the class quiz made Jiang Xuan more and more irritable. He couldn't find the person who threw his trash, his grades dropped, and Qin Huai

didn't come to make up lessons. I fell into a vicious circle, and I couldn't calm down and study emotionally.

A person who did not expect that a small prank would have such a long-lasting follow-up effect. He just got off the plane and stepped on the land of another country. Even though there are oriental faces coming and going, Mu Nan still looks very novel, and observes carefully. After a while, he whispered a conclusion in Qin Huai's ear: "I thought those remarks on the Internet were stereotypes of others, just like people in many countries still have a long-tailed impression of us, but now I see it with my own eyes. They're really short."

Now they were walking on the streets of a foreign country. Qin Huai, who was almost 1.8 meters tall, was a head taller than the crowd coming and going, and looked particularly outstanding. I wonder if it was because the houses here were relatively short , so it became more elongated. The effect of Qinhuai standing out from the crowd is even more obvious.

Seeing the people who were excitedly looking around when they went abroad for the first time, Qin Huai directly held Mu Nan's hand tightly: "You are not tall, and you still laugh at others, hurry up, English is not good, Japanese can only be hello goodbye, if this Lost, you can't even find the police station."

Mu Nan is not afraid, he is not the kind of person who will run around, but he must be careful, after all, the language barrier, without Qin Huai's translator, he It is indeed difficult to move an inch. During the time

when he was applying for the visa, Mu Nan had already searched for a lot of guides on the Internet. There are actually many real-life locations in some animations. The places to go were listed, and then Qin Huai looked up the geographic route and planned a travel route that went straight forward without turning back.

Fortunately, Qin Huai can understand Japanese, and he can understand most of the Japanese words. He can even make a rough guess, but the traffic lines here can make people feel numb. , Mu Nan is dizzy at a glance. kind of.

But with Qin Huai around, everything is not a problem.

It's just fun, but morning running is still invisible.

Traveling is a very tiring thing. Although they are not in a group and have complete control over their time, they still have to go to at least a few scenic spots a day. They can't stay in the hotel all the time. As long as they move, it will consume their physical energy , so getting up in the morning becomes even more difficult, not to mention going for an early morning run.

Mu Nan cheated on the bed, refusing to get up, it was too much torture, even if he had developed the habit of running in the morning, it was not something he could continue to maintain while traveling . .

But when dealing with Mu Nan, Qin Huai already has a way.

"Get up and run obediently. I'll buy you an extra figure or a game card today, choose one of the two."

Mu Nan, who was desperately burrowing into the quilt, stopped moving immediately, and slightly opened a corner of the quilt to look at Qin Huai, bargaining: "Two."

Qin Huai raised his eyebrows: "Sit on the ground and raise the price?"

Mu Nan snorted, "It's different at home and outside. You took up my sleep during the summer vacation. It's only fair that you compensate me for an increase in pocket money." , now you occupy my lazy sleep during summer vacation and the lazy sleep of traveling, isn't t it fair that you compensate me both... "

Looking at Qin Huai's expressionless face, Mu Nan's arguments became more and more quiet , but I finally came out to play once, and I don't know when the next time will be, so I pulled Qin Huai's clothes and acted like a

baby : "Brother, you are the best, okay, two more?" There are still sleep marks on your face, pulling you to act like a baby, Qin Huai can't stand it, let alone just want two figures, if you want a Whole set of Qin Huai, you will buy it, but the pain is pain, but you can't let it go, So he said: "Then today's greens are not allowed to be picked out, you have to eat them all."

Mu Nan cheered and immediately got up from the bed, and went for a morning run energetically.

Qin Huai followed behind with a smile, took out his mobile phone and took a casual photo, then selected some of the accumulated photos and sent them to Moments.

Since the Moments function was released last year, many people like to share their lives on it , and like to post some when they have nothing to do. Now there are not too many micro-businesses, and purchasing agents have not developed to dominate the Moments. Most of them can see Or someone else's life. But Qin Huai never posted

, and he didn't have the habit of posting. He went to and from school every day to help Mu Nan with his homework and participated in some competitions. There was nothing to post, so his Moments were always empty.

But this time, from the first day of take-off, Fa Munan fell asleep leaning against him on the plane, holding a lot of big and small figurines in his hands, and testing the game console, in the real scene of the animation Those who took pictures together, those who ate at an izakaya, all kinds, those with the pixels of a mobile phone, those with SLR photos that were edited in post-production, and almost a circle of friends every day, all of them were Mu Nan.

And Mu Nan's circle of friends used to be quite clean. At most, he posted about the first place in the game and the best equipment he got, but this time, Qin Huai directly guided him to post one every day, one every day. In the circle of friends, at least one photo with yourself is required, and everything else is delicious, such as newly bought clothes and shoes, comic books, game consoles, game cards, small toys from gastronomy on the street, etc. , not repeating the same hair every day.

Especially in the maid shop, cosplay clothes, I saw many girls add him to buy, but he didn't add any of them, his own suitcase couldn't fit, and he helped others to carry things , how could it be possible!

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