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    After Qin Huai carried the things through the door, he sterilized them all first, and then asked Mu Nan to go forward to classify the items. Some damaged vegetables and fruits had to be picked out and eaten first, and the rest were stored in the space. There are also some meats that I bought, all of which are frozen products. I have to wait for the ice to melt before storing them in the space. When I need to cook them in the future, I can take them out and cook them directly, without waiting for time-consuming thawing.

Now they can only buy frozen meat. If they live in the countryside, they may still be able to buy fresh meat. After all, some families raise their own pigs, but in cities, even live poultry are under control. How can there be such a thing now? The conditions are to transport fresh meat, and it is good to buy frozen meat.

Mu Nan sorted the meat into categories, pork belly, tenderloin, and pork ribs. I also took out some meat from the group purchase two days ago. I plan to make braised pork ribs, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, and stir-fried pork belly after the ones I bought today are defrosted. Now, while there is still time, I can cook some heavy-tasting dishes as much as I can. In the future, it will be difficult for every household, so they can only make less delicious food, otherwise people will not even have to eat, and your food with big fish and meat is delicious, and it is too hated.

When Mu Nan was classifying, Qin Huai cleaned the door. Because there were a lot of disinfection items prepared in advance, he even sprayed the entire corridor. After all, it was the place where he lived, so there was no need to save it. As soon as he put down the disinfection tool, Mu Nan ran over with his mobile phone and looked at him with sparkling eyes: "Brother, are you a shrimp dumpling?"

Qin Huai glanced at his mobile phone screen. There was a group buying solitaire in the WeChat group. The first time I opened was a shrimp dumpling, live shrimp, but it was a bit expensive, nearly two hundred yuan a catty. However, the price is acceptable. It is too difficult to buy this kind of live meat. If it weren't for the poisonous mycelium that seems to have no signs of surviving on animals and cannot withstand high temperatures above 80 degrees, people still have I am afraid that today's prices will continue to rise.

But even if it's expensive, most people can understand that the vegetable sellers are also human beings. It's already July and it's getting hot. They wear airtight protective clothing and run around outside every day, although they are also desperately trying to make ends meet for their own livelihood. To make money, but without these people, it all depends on the government's dispatch. How can the government have so many people to work on the rations of cities and provinces.

And there is another reason for the high price, because no one dares to go out, many vegetables are rotten in the field and no one harvests them, ripe fruits are rotten in the mud and there is no place to sell them, and some live poultry even starve to death due to lack of feed. Few, there are many people who have nothing to eat, but more because of the general environment, the food can't find a way to sell it, and they can only watch it broken and scrapped. Those who can be dragged out and transported to the city for sale A small part, it is precisely because of this that the price becomes more expensive, so in the eyes of some people, prawns worth more than two hundred pounds per catty are even considered cheap.

Mu Nan saw a lot of people in the group, so he also wanted to buy some. He had shrimps in his space, but because he didn't know how to make them, and the space couldn't store live animals, the shrimps he prepared were all ready-made. Okay, but now he wants to eat something made by Qin Huai. Qin Huai has an exclusive recipe for cooking shrimp. Maybe it's a taste he got used to since he was a snack. He feels that the shrimp outside is not as delicious as Qin Huai's.

Qin Huai threw his mobile phone to him and said, "If you want to eat, you can buy it. If you buy it, you can cook it."

Mu Nan turned on the phone and unlocked it, and his own account was out of money. During this time, all purchases were made with Qinhuai's money, anyway, Qinhuai's remaining money does not know whether it will be used up in the end, it is better to use a little more, otherwise it will all become a bunch of discarded numbers, and it will be too bad.

"Then how much should we buy?"

Mu Nan saw that Solitaire buys every catty or two catty, but the one or two catty shrimp has the head and shell removed, and there is not much meat, but if you buy too much, will it be a little bit drill.

Qin Huai said: "Buy ten catties."

This amount of money is not an eye-catcher. If it weren't for Mu Nan's dreams, judging from the current situation, Qin Huai would not have expected so many natural disasters in the future, and everyone's life is in crisis. Gradually, the law has become normal. Many people who can get protective clothing have gone out. You can see that there are more and more group purchases. People have found new protective clothing in the haze of poisonous mycelium. lifestyle, and in rapid adaptation.

And if you want to talk about these few catties of shrimp, there must be some who can't afford it, but they are more reluctant to part with it, so even if they buy a lot, they will only say that young people can't live a life, and they are really willing to live with themselves. Otherwise, it won't cause any trouble. When the environment gets worse and worse in the future, when the money is no longer used as money, that is the time to live in a low-key manner.

With Qin Huai speaking, Mu Nan placed the order without hesitation, obviously he himself had experienced the apocalypse, but now he was looking for confidence in Qin Huai, as expected, habitual dependence is an instinct that cannot be changed no matter how long they are apart.

There was the first person who bought a lot, and some people who placed orders later did not know if they were affected. The number of four catties and five catties gradually increased, and their ten catties were not so conspicuous. Because it is a live shrimp, it is necessary to sell it as soon as possible. The solitaire that ended in the morning will be delivered in the afternoon, but there is no way for volunteers to deliver it to the door. Because the solitaire is a private vendor, you need to buy something yourself Go downstairs and get it.

It was Qin Huai who went downstairs, as long as he was there, he would not let Mu Nan go out. Mu Nan's health has not been as good as his since he was a child. He always has a few fevers and colds every year, and his resistance is too weak, so he dare not let Mu Nan go out to take risks. Although Mu Nan felt that he had been quite healthy these years, especially since he had never been recruited in his last life, he did not fight with Qin Huai. Anyway, he had prepared protective clothing. He insisted that Qin Huai put on the protective clothing, which was strictly protected.

As soon as Qin Huai opened the door, the elevator stopped on their floor. Qin Huai hurried into the elevator. There was another person in the elevator. Qin Huai saw that the person looked familiar, but they were both wearing masks and couldn't recognize their faces, so they didn't say hello. , but the uncle turned his head and looked at Qin Huai several times, frowning as if he was a little puzzled: "Nan Nan?" Qin

Huai recognized the other party when he heard the voice, and said with a smile, "Uncle Zhong? I'm Qin Huai, I live next door to Uncle Mu. "

Old Zhong was very surprised: "Qin Huai, you have been away for several years, when did you come back?" He said that the height seemed a bit wrong, but the direction he went to get on the elevator just now was Mu Nan again. Home.

Most of them are old neighbors here. They knew a lot about their family back then. After Mrs. Qin left, the neighbors took care of the two children more or less, but they didn't expect that they were rich. His father came and took the child away, leaving the Mu family child alone.

Qin Huai said: "I rushed back when the epidemic first started, and it's been a month since I came back."

Lao Zhong seemed to sigh a little: "It's okay to come back. At this time, there is a lot of chaos abroad, and it's still safe at home. This time, I can't leave when I come back. Let's go?"

Qin Huai shook his head: "I'm not going."

Old Zhong smiled when he heard the words: "That's good, you two brothers have been close since childhood, and at this time it is better to have someone who is with each other than to be alone, Nan Nan It's not easy these years, the child lives by himself casually, eats takeaway all day long and doesn't care too much, it ruins his stomach, and in the middle of the night alone in the clinic for painkilling injections, it's pitiful." That night

he Just finished playing cards and talking to someone at the entrance of the station, seeing Mu Nan's painful face was so pale that he couldn't even sit still, squatting on the ground with a needle hanging on one side, alone with no one to accompany him. They have been old neighbors with Lao Mu for decades. They have lived in the same alley yard since the previous generation. Later, it was demolished and rebuilt, and they lived in the same building. Lao Mu left early, and they were called uncles. Yes, of course, he can take care of it if he can, so he went home and asked his wife to cook some porridge, and gave the child a big bucket to take home to eat. When he returned the porridge bucket the next day, the child bought a big bag of snacks Said to give food to his grandson, sensible and polite.

Qin Huai's originally smiling eyebrows gradually drooped, and his heart ached. He was silent for a while amidst Old Zhong's soft sigh, as if reassuring himself, and said softly, "No, I won't let him be alone in the future. It's gone."

The elevator quickly went down to the first floor, and many people had already come down to get things, some bought vegetables, some bought some rice, noodles, grains and oils, Qin Huai went directly to the side where the shrimps were sold, and bought them for himself first. Seeing that no one came down from the shrimp side at this moment, he asked again: "Is there a lot?"

The vendor probably was afraid that some shrimps would die on the road, or something unexpected happened, so he brought more Many come: "There are many, how many more do you want?"

Qin Huai glanced at it, asked for an extra, weighed ten catties, put it in a black bag, stuffed it into the trolley that he took down, and asked the vendor to pack another three catties, carried it in his hand, and paid the bill Finally, with the three catties of shrimp in his hand, he walked to Old Zhong who was buying milk: "Uncle Zhong, I'll take this shrimp back for you." These shrimps were not

cheap, and Lao Zhong's family was not willing to buy them, so naturally they quickly refused.

Qin Huai said: "Nannan has been alone all these years, and thanks to the care of your uncles and uncles, you can't be polite if you show any kindness. In this special period, there is no way to invite you to dinner. Just don't push around for such a small thing. I bought everything."

Lao Zhong hesitated for a moment, and Qin Huai stuffed the plastic bag into his hands. His little grandson said he really wanted to eat shrimp these two days, but no one knows what the future will be like. I don't know. Of course, I can save as much as I can. Even if my grandson wants to eat such expensive shrimp, he won't be willing to eat them. Seeing that Qin Huai couldn't refuse, Lao Zhong accepted it with a blushing face: "You child, why are you being so polite? Wait, after this matter is over, ask your aunt to make you some pickled melons. You loved eating them when you were two children." The kind."

Qin Huai smiled and said, "Thank you very much Uncle Zhong, then Uncle Zhong is busy, I'll go upstairs first."

Old Zhong looked at Qin Huai's back, tall and big, although he couldn't see clearly in protective clothing But Qin Huai has been handsome since he was a child. If Mrs. Qin and Lao Mu were still here, how proud they would be to have these two young men.

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