1. John Shelby 18+

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1. John Shelby 18+

1. John 18+

Y/n P.O.V
       If you told me I'd end up being a nanny to the peaky blinders I'd laugh. I was looking for a job when I got back from being a nurse in France. You would think I would've been able to get a job at a hospital, but no one will hire a gypsy. I met the Lees when I was at the fairs to become their first aid, and that's when I met Polly. She had the kids by herself, and they were pulling her around. I was standing next to the dart game, listening to them whine and beg for all different stuff. With one quick 'hey' they all stopped to look at me.
"Straighten up and act like you have some home training." I tell them with a small smile to Polly.
       She asked me if I had any experience with kids, and when I told her my job experiences she asked if I could be a nanny. She told me it pays well, comes with rooming, and will have protection. I accepted when Katie asked me to stay with them, because she had fun with me that day.
        The day I moved in was the day I met John. He gave me a hard stare as he was leaving, and didn't come back until dinner only to leave again. I can see why the kids act out, they want attention from their father. The longer I stayed the more angry I got, so one day while the bigger kids were in school I took the smaller one with me to the betting shop. I sat the toddler with Polly as I went to find John. I walk inside his office to him, lighting his cigarette.
"Why are you here? Who's hurt?" He walks around his desk to stand in front of me.
"No one is visibly hurt, but your kids are hurting to see you." I told him. "Yet you wonder why they act up so much."
"I see them when I can." He scuffs as he turns away.
"You see them when they eat dinner. You stay at the Garrison until late night when you could at least stay to put them to bed, and then go to the pub." I rant my frustration out.
"Who do you think you are?" He scolds.
''I'm the one who's drying your kid's face when they are crying for their father who would rather be at the Garrison than be with them!" I get louder as I talk.
     With that I stormed out of his office, I couldn't look at him anymore. I sat with Polly until school got out, and she laughed at how long I lasted holding in my true colors. I told her I can't accept men who have an army of kids only to ignore them. As I leave John comes out of his office. He kisses his daughter on her head, looks me in the eyes, and walks away.
       After that day he would stay after dinner, read to them, play with them, and would help put them to bed. It took a month for them to actually believe John would keep doing this when he was actually free. At some point once the kids were finally calm we would sit, and talk about anything that happened that day. It would be mostly me listening to his war stories.
"Thank you." He says randomly as we sit in the quiet.
"What for?" I smile.
"For yelling at me in my office. I should've been here." He sits his cup on the table with a sigh. "I won't be out long tonight." He put his coat on as I stood at the stairs.
"I've been told that before." I joke with a big yawn.
       He chuckles at me while putting his cap on, and walking closer to me.
"I mean it this time. I know you stay up when you know you should be sleeping." I couldn't help looking down when my face started to burn from his playful scolding.
''I just know sometimes your work is dangerous, and it helps to know you got back." I mumble.
       I almost jump out of my skin when I feel his hand move over my shoulder to run my thumb along my cheek. I look up to him closer than before. We lean against the banister of the stairs as he deeply kisses me. I hold onto his waist to keep him close, but we are pulled away from a small giggle.
"Bed, young lady." I call up to Katie who's somewhat hiding in the doorway of her room.
       When I look back to John he's smirking at me, and with a quick kiss he walks out. I sigh while I walk up the stairs, putting Kate back to bed, and getting ready for bed myself. I change into my nightgown, roll the ends of my hair, and grab the book I've been reading. I'm halfway through my chapter when I hear the door downstairs close, and footsteps coming up the stairs. With quick quiet movements I grab my revolver to stand at the opening of the door that faces the top of the stairs perfectly. Once I see the top of the person's head I load the gun. They stop at the sound of the click, and raise their hands.
"It's only me, love." John chuckles.
"Sorry I didn't know you'd be back this soon." I put the gun away as he walks in behind me.
"I couldn't stop thinking about something." He stalks toward me as he smirks.
       I slowly sit down as I keep eye contact with him. He kisses me with his hands on my thighs, and follows me as I lay back. We throw his clothes around the room as we feel each other's body, and once it comes to my nightgown he slowly runs his hands up my body. He groans when he sees I don't have anything under the gown. I wrap my legs around his waist to pull him closer, and to feel him rub against me.
"John please." I moan into his shoulder.
        Once he enters me he hits the hilt, stopping for a moment to kiss me deeply, and let me relax a little. Before he starts moving he grabs the metal headboard to stop it from hitting the wall. The way I could feel every inch of him as he would vigorously pound away. I had to bite his shoulder to stop myself from moaning out, but I would whine out when he would grind a way that sent a shock through my body. With a loud groan and a muffled scream we finish together, and fall onto the bed.
         That night changed a lot about how John would act around the house. He would come around a lot more, he told the kids that I wasn't the nanny anymore that I was his girlfriend. Katie kept telling him she knew he liked me, and that he waited so long. Of course I ended up pregnant not long after, and he proposed. Once I became too pregnant, the kids and I had to stay with Ada for our own protection. John still was able to make it to see his little girl, Diana, to be born.

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