°Chapter 1°

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∆× third POV ×∆

A current sound of motorcycle engine could be heard through the night in shibuya with the rider being a boy with h/c and a h/s

As the motorcycle come to a stop in front of a 50' floor building, after parking his motorcycle outside the boy go inside of the building going up the elevator from floor to floor finally the boy got off at the 40' floor

Going to the only door that's in the big hallway, now in front of the door he use a key card to open the lock door, going inside he walk to the kitchen placing a groceries bag on the counter putting all the groceries away

Now seeing his face clearly, he have a beautiful e/c and s/c with a small smile on his face, him singing a random song

Just then a fluffy white ball of fur was rushing toward the boy as he was busy, as the boy took notice of the fur ball as it took off jumping at him with full forge

Luckily he was able to save both himself and the small fluffy ball from falling by catching them just in time now laying on the floor

"*Sign*you need to stop jumping at me" the boy said


The white cat meow in response

As the boy get up now picking up the fallen groceries that he has dorp from catchings the cat

Then a figure with messy pink hair walk in


The boy M/N yell

"What happen here?" M/N said

"WELL YOUR FUCKING CAT-, you know what i will not be babysitting you little demon any more, fuck this" Akoko said walking to the front door

As they were about to leave M/N yell out "I CAN DOUBLE THE CHECK NEXT TIME!!" Akoko stop on their tracks

"Deals..." Akoko said

After both Akoko and M/N agreed on the amount of the check Akoko bid their goodbye before Akoko leave

"see you tomorrow litt'e devil" Akoko said before leaving though the door

Even though sad Nara knows that the babysitter will come again tomorrow to take care of her

"I should go to sleep now, it's getting late" M/N said in a simi tired voice

After M/N take a shower he lay down on his bed as he was about to fall into the abyss of dreams a loud ringing echoes though the room M/N grab the phone that was ringing next to him knowing who it was immediately

"What is it?"

"M/N-ni can you come to Musashi Shrine now?" said in a playful voice




A/N : "hello dear reader as you probably know this is my first ever book so please be nice and if there're any mistake i apologies, have a wonderful time(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)♡"

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