°chapter 5°

547 24 1


∆× Third POV ×∆

"Can you stop the conflict with moebius?" Takemichi said standing infront of Mikey

"Huh?" Mikey said in confusion

"This conflict, I can't say why but someone's pulling the strings-"

Before takemichi can finish his words his hair was suddenly pull back and was thrown away by pah


"Better quit fucking around with us, Right pah-chin?" Peh said looking directly at takemichi

"Leave. Say one more word and you're dead." Pah said before turning his attention back to Mikey

"So, How should we attacks moebius?" Pah continue ignoring takemichi

"You can't!" Pah was cutted off by takemichi

"You can't fight with Moebius...Toman gonna get screwed" Takemichi continue his words

"Stand up." Pah said leading down to takemichi level

As takemichi stand up inly for pah to punch him in the face



"Takemichi..." Mikey cutted takemichi off

"I get what you're saying...

.... we're going to fight Moebius"

"I decided we're gonna fight, So toman gonna fight Moebius" Mikey continue

Takemichi look at Mikey before he slowly get on his knees bowing down infront of Mikey

"I won't back down!! If we fight Moebius, Toman's done for!" Takemichi yell out with determination

"Just when i became friends with Mikey-kun and Draken-kun! I don't want Toman to end this way!" Takemichi continue to yell his words

"Tsk! You really are a moron" pah said

As pah raised his fist about to punch takemichi again but was stopped by draken

"The hell're you doing draken?" Pah asked turning his attention to draken

"Takemichi said he's not backing down, Maybe it's not a bad idea to see what Moebius is up to" Draken said letting go of pah arm


...Are you defying Toman?" Mikey said looking up at Draken

"What? It's not like that at all" Draken said in confusion

"Yeah it is" Mikey said as the long silent slowly made the tension grow more between the two

"Sorry to interrupt your little group implosion..." a sudden voice was heard as a slow footsteps walk into the warehouse

"But you keep saying 'Moebius' would ya mind not repeating our name like that?" as the guy who walk in while combing his hair

"You middle school babies" The guy continue


OSANAI!!" Pah yell out

"Shut it, Cheese dick" Osanai said

"You bastard..." Pah mumble loud enough for all of them to hear

"Hey, I'm two years older then you, That's Mr.Bastard to ya" Osanai said pointing his comb at the group

•|• ŦÌMĘ ŜĸÏP •|•

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING PAH!!" Draken yell out as he push Pah away from Osanai unconscious body

As takemichi and Mikey turn around from the sudden voice and was meet with unconscious Osanai on the floor with a knife on the back of his lower abdomen

"Pah...you just!"

"Pah-chin? where'd you get a knife?"

"What? he stabed him?!"

everyone was shock by what Pah just did

"OSANAI!! OSANAI!!" Draken yell out while shaking osanai


"No way! he really stabbed him!"

Panic started to raise in the crowd as they all watch and the police coming toward them quickly

"WE GOTTA RUN, PAH!!" Mikey yell out

"sorry Mikey, Peh-yan....Take care of the 3rd division for me...

....I'm giving myself up" Pah said with his bloody face while tears started to fall down his face

"The hell you are!" Mikey said

"Quit standing around! we're all gonna get arrested!!" Draken yell as he grabbed both mikey and peh

"NO! I WON'T LEAVE HIM!! PAH COME WIT US!!! PAH!" Mikey yell out desperately for his friend to come with them while he was being pick up by draken


"Mannn, these kid really are bothersome" a police officer said while leaning onto one of the car

"Tell me about it.." another police officer said

"say...the kid that got stab...ya think he'll survive?" the police officer continue

"I hardly think so, The ambulance won't arive in time anyway.." The first police officer reply

"PLEASE GET OUT OF THE WAY!! THE DOCTER ARE HERE!" a police yell while making way for the so call 'docter'

"damn...guess I was wrong..." the police officer mumble

Just then tanned figure run pass them toward the warehouse with 2 nurses and a stretcher right behind them

"Tsk! M/N you own me for this one!" The tanned woman with dusty blue hair said as they run into the warehouse


<< At • M/N apartment >>

"These fucking kids!" M/N yell as he throws his phone across the room

"I can't fucking do this anymore!" He continues putting his head in his palms

"M/N, you have to calm down first" akoko said as they sit on the sofas munching on some snacks

"HOW CAN I?! ANOTHER ONE OF THE KIDS GOT PUT IN JAIL!" M/N yell out of frustration

"Look, I don't know who's this pah kid is, But at least we can take some years out of his cell time"

"Plus! We still have some inside that can definitely help us out!" Akoko continue pulling out a phone to make some call

M/N stay silent letting out a sign as he throw himself next to akoko

"I just don't want them all to end up a criminal...." M/N mumble tiredly

"Say...out of all people why did ya send ASH?" Akoko said while waiting for the phone

"I trusted her the most with this type of stuff..." M/N mumble putting his face in a pillow

"She's so gonna beat you up for that stupid reason" Akoko chuckled


A/N: I'm having my test rn wish me luck😭🙏

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