8: Plan the party

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PREV- Of course, Bruce didn't make business calls. He reviewed Nico's file and searched to see what else he could find. Medical records, schools, and this 'training' bothered him for some reason.

Nico was in his bathroom undressing.

'That was... concerning. I'm sure all I did was raise their suspicions of me.'


He caught his reflection. He scrunched his nose. He looked... dead.

'Well duh. But I seriously look slightly paler than normal. My skin, when I have the guts to look, is usually a more olive color.'

He just needed to slap on some red lipstick, a green wig and he might as well be the joker. 

After a much-needed hot shower, he headed back downstairs.

"Ah, Nico there you are. I was just about to go talk to you." Bruce said as he was turning the corner from the kitchen.

"Is something wrong?" Nico asked.

"Not really. I was just here to inform you about the gala that will happen tomorrow."


"Yes, come join us in the kitchen. I'll explain it to you all."

Nico followed Bruce into the kitchen where he saw the boys already seated. Jason was playing a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors with Tim.

"Alright then. Now that everyone is here, there will be a gala tomorrow. Since I have taken Nico into my custody, before the media gets wind of it and comes up with a crazy story- I will throw a gala to introduce Nico. Now Nico before you say anything I threw one for each of these, right here." Bruce said, explaining everything and looking at Nico before pointing to each of the boys.

"So, I want you all to take today to help Nico prepare for the gala. Whether it be to get Nico some new clothes or go over everything that will be done." Bruce said as he left the boys to each other.

After some silence Tim spoke up, "We should head to the mall. We can help Nico look for clothes and take that chance to buy stuff for his room!"

"Sounds good to me. What do you think, Nico?" Dick asked.

"I guess that's alright, but what do you do in galas?"

"Ugh! I despise those. Luckily, I don't have to go but I'll tell you on the way." Jason spoke up.

After that the boys left the manor with Alfred who drove them to the mall. The mall was a good 20 minutes from the manor. On the way there, Jason explained how it would go. He started by saying that the gala would mostly contain rich, business people. He would have to speak in a sophisticated manner. Most of the attention would be on him, but they would help. Tim pointed out that he would have to be receiving people at the door with a smile.

They made it to the mall and Dick explained the basic etiquette he would have to use when using hand gestures or eating. They told him about the horrible jokes people would pull. Soon enough they were at a tailor shop.

Nico hoped the floor would open and swallow him hole there and then. He had to get his measurements done to get his suit ready. And for that, he'd have to take off his overly baggy sweater. He'd requested to have it in private but even so it would be awkward. He was really skinny from malnourishment and had bandages.

He and the tailor who apparently knew that bats well, went into a room to get his measurements. Nico hesitated before taking off his hoodie.

The tailor who noticed his hesitance spoke up and said, "Don't worry, I have done this for each of your siblings as well. Mr. Todd was a case like yours. He didn't want anyone's hands on him. So, if you wish you could take the measurements yourself while I overlook it."

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