2. Vivek

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Disclaimer: All the characters written below are imaginary and a work of pure fiction. There is no resemblance to any incident or situation and is written as a work of fiction.


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Vivek's POV -

Please run a CT Scan on Mr. Shah to rule out any chances of internal bleeding from the stroke and ask his son to visit my cabin with the reports tomorrow.

"Yes sir. You've no other appointments aligned for the day apart from that of your mother." I heard the nurse tell me with the familiar teasing smile on her face and in an instant I knew what it is going to be.

I pursed my lips in a thin line in displeasure and the nurse immediately nodded her head and left my cabin.

I spoke to mom through intercom, who also happens to be an experienced neonatologist and within the next 10 minutes she was in my cabin.

"Vicky, Rajshri has assured us that Smriti will willingly agree to our proposal. I want you too to agree and bring me my 2nd daughter home soon." Mom said way too excitedly. 

"Mooooommmm", I dragged. 

"I told you to not send proposals anymore. Why did you ask Mrs. Singhania for her daughter's hand?" My frown deepened.

"Vicky, I asked for Smriti's hand even before Sakshi rejected you." My mom defended herself with a pout and I rolled my eyes at her explanation. 

Sakshi was the 5th alliance that my over-enthusiastic parents had got for me, who was not even willing to commit to a doctor. I love my profession and I cannot marry a girl who fails to understand my commitment towards my demanding job.

"Fine, this is the last girl we are meeting for my marriage this year. After that, no more match-making business mom. You've enough people waiting for your appointment." I found myself giving in to my mom's baseless wish.

She squealed in happiness and dashed out of my cabin. She is probably going to HOD of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Mrs. Singhania's cabin.

My shift was over for the day, so I started heading back home.


After dinner, Rohit, Amrita and I continued watching the Women's Premier League in the living room. 

Rohit was just 1.5 years younger than me and was currently handling the administration of our hospital under the able guidance of our father, Dr. Vikram Agnihotri, who also happens to be an orthopedic surgeon. Whereas Amrita was 6 years younger than me and she was also following her loving brother Rohit's career path. She has already secured herself a seat at Harvard Business School and is currently required to work for 2 years before joining their MBA Programme. She makes me proud every day apart from her constant teasing.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! VIKRAMMMMMM! I CANNOT BELIEVE. OMG!" We heard our mom dearest shriek from her room.

"Rony bhaiyya, I somehow already know what this is going to be about. Oh my God I can't wait for the drama to unfold." Chirped my sister dearest.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Rohit exclaimed and I scowled at their excitement. They were going to have fun at my expense. Arghhhh.

"VICKYYYYY, Smriti has finally agreed and the Singhania's have called us for lunch tomorrow. Can you believe it? OH MY GOD!" Mom made a mad dash from her bedroom to our living room, followed by dad who was trying to control her enthusiasm.

"No." I deadpanned.

"No, I cannot believe that this news has got you so excited literally at 11pm on a Saturday night." I groaned.

"Oh my God Vicky, you can't be serious now. This is a big deal! Isn't it guys?" Mom asked for useless validation and my good for nothing family members agreed to her with a stupid grin plastered on their faces. 

"See. Now, like a good little boy, meet Smriti tomorrow with an open heart and an open mind." My mom smirked and my scowl deepened further if possible.

Mom, I have my shift till 2 pm tomorrow. I can only join after that." I let her know my commitments for tomorrow.

"Oh M...." Mom trailed off but was interrupted by Amu.

"7." Amu counted on her fingers.

"What?" Mom questioned her, almost offended about being interrupted.

"Nothing, I was just letting you know that this will be your 7th, Oh My God, in those past 5 minutes. You've already remembered dearest God 6 times in the last 5 minutes." Amu chuckled and mom shut her up with one stern glare, while the remaining of us tried to muffle our giggles.

So, ladies and gentlemen, as the match has come to an end, I would like to call it a night. Good night, sweet dreams. I'll meet y'all at breakfast tomorrow. Thank you for your valuable time." I sarcastically called it a day and made a successful attempt to runaway from this embarrassing family conversation.

" Mark my words, Dr. Vivek Agnihotri! I  won't let you enter this house tomorrow till you don't meet Smriti." I heard my mother's threat before finally entering my lonely room.


Hope you liked the chapter! 

Do let me know how did you find this chapter. Also let me know if you expect anything better for the upcoming chapters. 

Until next time, bye. <3

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