21. Whisper Of The Hearts

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Disclaimer: All the characters written below are imaginary and a work of pure fiction. There is no resemblance to any incident or situation and is written as a work of fiction.


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Smriti's POV - 

As I sat alone in my quiet room in Vivek's house, which he emphasizes as being mine too, the echoes of the recent heated argument with my family still reverberated in my mind. It had been a tumultuous day, and my emotions were raw from the intensity of the clash. Yet, strangely, an unusual sense of contentment washed over me as if a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

While all the house helpers were dutifully following the instructions of their Vicky Sir, of attending to all my needs at all times, the house still felt empty in the absence of both Vivek and his family. The family that I'm beginning to resonate with more than my maiden one.

On our way back from Singhania Niwas, Vivek was urgently called to the hospital to look into an emergency case of one of his old patients. He was too guilty to leave me alone at home and continuously apologized to me till I literally pushed him out of his own house.

I slowly got up from my bed and walked onto the balcony attached to my room. It is a small one, enough to accommodate two people comfortably. However, I like it here. The moon's gentle glow bathes this small space, creating a dreamy ambience. I can see the city lights twinkling in the distance, painting a breathtaking view that captivates my soul. The cool breeze carries the scent of the night, and I find solace in the serenity of this hidden gem, a perfect spot to escape the bustling city and immerse myself in the beauty of the night. Well, keeping aside the pollution level of this place, sitting here and letting the cool breeze touch my skin actually calms me down. That is probably why I always ended up escaping to the nearest garden to my house twice after my fight with my parents. The grass beneath me, pricking my legs, helped me feel more aware and connected with myself, the blooming flowers gave me a lot of hope, and of course, the cool breeze actually gave me much more warmth than my family could ever provide me with.

To my delight, this balcony was covered with grass mats, which cannot be compared to the actual fresh, lush-green grass but good enough to create a good ambience. I pushed the balcony door to get inside, only to be welcomed by the bright sun, ready to set in another 2-3 hours. I slowly moved the two chairs kept in the balcony aside so I could make myself comfortable on the fake grass.

Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours. The hot air in the atmosphere was now replaced with a cool breeze; the moon replaced the sun in the sky. My legs felt numb after hours of sitting down, but my soul felt alive contrastingly. Coming to think of it, I feel I needed the silence around me to soak in whatever has happened to me until now. As much as I love Vivek being around me and as much as I miss his warmth, his presence makes me lose control of myself. I become hyperaware of my emotions and either become too happy to remember my miseries or become too sad trying to seek solace in him that I never got from my family.

I sigh at my own spiralling thoughts. It's ridiculous to me to even think of liking spending time without him. At this point, I feel like I am losing it.

I rub my face with my palms in frustration. As I lift my face from my hands, I notice a small potted plant in the corner.

"How come I never noticed this?" I wonder.

What intrigued me was that there was a rose in there.

A black rose.

I sadly chuckle at the similarities of this black rose with my life. The black rose, an enigmatic beauty among a sea of vibrant colors, possesses a unique allure that captivates the heart. Its velvety petals, deep and dark, hold an air of mystery as if concealing untold stories within. Just as the black rose stands apart from the others, I, too, felt isolated and disconnected from the vibrant world around me. I had once nurtured dreams, much like the delicate buds of these roses, filled with hope and ambition. But life's twists and turns led me to let go of those dreams, one by one, like petals gently falling from a fading bloom. Each dream relinquished left a trace of melancholy akin to the bittersweet beauty of the black rose. My sorrow was......

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