Sleeping Tutor

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As the first week after the big revelation that Class D was the lowest of their grade and that the midterm exam could potentially expel a student went by the class decided to make study groups. Somehow Kiyo got dragged into this whole ordeal and is a tutor himself

If it were up to Kiyo they would only have the study group once every week, but Horikita had to intervene

"Oh, by the way Ayanokouji-kun, I already made your schedule for you. So don't think about barely taking the study group to study" Horikita said to Kiyo, who recently had his dreams crushed "Fine, so what's the schedule?" Kiyo asked Horikita

"Everyday at the library after school at four" Horikita said to Kiyo, who may not look like it but he was depressed "Do I have to do it everyday?" Kiyo said to Horikita "You do, the people in your study group will most likely make less than a 50 on the test. So you have to make sure they dont' fail" Horikita stated

"Don't forget what's at risk if you don't help" Horikita threatened "Ugh, why me?" Kiyo questioned "Oh would you look at the time, I think you should get going don't want to keep your group waiting" Horikita told Kiyo who had to be at the library soon

"Okay, okay im going" Kiyo said as he got up and started heading to the library to meet the study group that he had no plans at all for. When getting to the library Kiyo saw the four people he had to study

Sakura, the quiet girl in the back of our class that Kiyo hadn't interacted with other than exchanging glances every now and then. She keeps to herself all the time

Karuizawa, the apparent girlfriend of Hirata and leader of the girls in the class but although to Kiyo didn't know much about love from the books he read they didn't seem like a couple to him, but that's probably just him

Sato, One of the members in Karuizawa's group that doesn't seem to have a thing for math, well she doesn't seem to have a thing for school work at all but math is her weakest subject. 'She'll probably talk to Karuizawa most of the times' Kiyo thought

Finally Hasabe, She seems to stay to herself other than a couple friends that she has in class. She keeps to herself often but seems to be energetic

After Kiyo finished analyzing the people he's about to tutor he approached the table that were he was going to use to tutor the people who were sitting at it "Hey, I'm here" Kiyo declared as he sat down at the table placing the books that he barely had time to check out before he got there

"Finally" Karuizawa Said as Kiyo started to take his seat "Sorry I was a bit late, I had to get books that we could use to study" Kiyo said as he pointed at the books he just placed on the table "Not to be rude but, why are you a tutor?" Sato asked Kiyo, who was about to respond before "Yeah didn't you only get a 50 on the exam?" Hasabe added

"Well, I did only take half of the exam" Kiyo said to the group, that had a weird look on their faces "Why did you only take half of test?" Karuizawa asked suddenly entering the conversation "Oh well, I got sleepy" Kiyo said bearing his usual poker face. The answer that would have been weird, actually made perfect sense to everyone at the table "I guess that's in character for you" Hasabe said

"Ok, now lets go over your weak points and what you should work on" Kiyo said as he started taking out papers that seem to be their exams, As Kiyo went on and talked about how he thinks they could improve their scores on the exams one by one, only stopping at a certain quite girl

"Don't think I forgot about you, Sakura" Kiyo said to the girl who has done nothing but watching as he went down the list of things they could do to improve they're grades "Sakura, your grades all round aren't the best but your worst grade was math" Kiyo said staring at the discourage Sakura "But that doesn't mean you can't improve" Kiyo said

"Now, I want you to take this test that I got from Horikita before you do anything else" Kiyo said handing each of the people at the table a packet "Once your finished I will grade them and tell you how you can improve, but in the meantime" Kiyo was saying before he fell asleep right in front of them

"Wow, he sure likes sleeping" Hasabe said looking at the now asleep Kiyo "Y-yeah" Sakura added "Well lets just do the tests for now" Sato said. After everyone finished their test they began trying to figure out how to wake up Kiyo "Ayanokouji-kun, we finished" Said Karuizawa trying to wake Kiyo up "Come on, wake up" Sato said lightly pushing Kiyo "Oh! I think I remember how Horikita-san wakes him up all the time" Hasabe declared as she put her thought into action 'I hope this works' Hasabe thought

*Pat* *Pat*

"Oh Hasabe, Did you guys finish?" Kiyo said as he slowly started rising up "Yeah, we did" Hasabe said "I told you I knew how to wake him up" Hasabe whispered to the other people at the table "Ok, well then give me your tests and I will grade them and give you feedback, after my nap of course" Kiyo declared as he took the papers from the girls and told them to review the books he placed on the table a while back

After the study group left Kiyo was really tired but didn't want to go all the way back to the dorms, So he went to another place that he regularly sleeps at when he has free time in school. The roof is a nice place to sleep when there's free time, but..... 'Is there somebody already here?' Kiyo thought as he approached the door that lead to the rooftop


Kiyo heard a familiar voice

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