Kiyo Has To Carry

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"Ayanokouji-kun wake up, it's important" Horikita said trying to wake Kiyo, Kiyo got up slowly wondering why Horikita is waking him up during his afternoon nap "What is it?" Kiyo said tiredly "We can't talk about it here" Horikita said which got Kiyo even more curious "Fine lets go to the waterfall" Kiyo said

While heading to the waterfall Kiyo was wondering what would be so urgent to wake him from his nap, but it seems like he was going to be answered as they arrived at the waterfall "so what's this all about" Kiyo asked Horikita as they arrived "My card was stolen" Horikita got right to the point "Someone must have took it and I think I know who" Horikita stated

"Why don't you try and get it back?" Kiyo asked "I would but- *Drip* As you can see there are storm clouds and it seems like it just started to rain" Horikita pointed out "The person who took the card was most likely Ibuki, the girl that you guys randomly picked up" Horikita said "But she hasn't made any moves yet to leave so we just need to make sure she doesn't leave without it" Horikita stated

"Well I guess we should head back" Kiyo said "Don't worry if something happens just let me know, ill do something..... maybe" Kiyo said reassuring Horikita 'Huh' Horikita thought "Fine ill trust your word for it, but you better keep that promise" Horikita stated, with that conversation over they headed back to camp

Of course Kiyo went to sleep immediately went to sleep because Horikita had ruined his afternoon nap "Ayanokouji-kun" The sound of Hirata's voice was heard while Kiyo slowly woke up "Good your awake, we need your help Horikita-san wandered off somewhere and we can't find Ibuki-san either and it's raining" Hirata said asking Kiyo for help

Apparently while Kiyo was sleeping the camp was thrown into disarray and Horikita and Ibuki were nowhere to be seen *Sigh* 'Looks like I got my work cut out for me huh?' Kiyo mentally sighed as he new this meant more work

"Alright ill go look for the people that felt like it was the perfect time to leave" Kiyo told Hirata as he lazily walked towards the footprints that were engraved in the mud. After a bit of walking the trail disappeared into the forest with the footprints being washed away by the rain 'I guess ill head in the direction the footprints were heading towards' Kiyo thought

After a little more walking Kiyo heard some voices in the background, they were to far to hear what they were saying correctly but they were close enough to see 'Ibuki, Ryuen, and Katsuragi' Kiyo noted 'With an unconscious Horikita' Kiyo noticed

After a while the voices faded away leaving Horikita and the leaders keycard, walking up to Horikita and picking her up 'You sure do love making me do the work huh?' Kiyo thought to himself 'Now..... what direction is camp?' Kiyo seemed to have gotten lost 'Actually which way is the beach? Horikita can't do anything in her condition' Kiyo corrected himself

Either way Kiyo wanted to go he was lost so he tried to find a path back to the beach. Walking in the dark was already bad enough but the fact it was raining didn't help much either, while walking through the dark carrying Horikita Kiyo came across a cliff 'Woah, I nearly fell off there' Kiyo thought, but before he could walk away


Before he knew it the ground beneath him gave in and now Kiyo and Horikita were falling down a cliff 'If only my arms were free' Kiyo complained, Kiyo couldn't do anything to stop the fall but there was one thing he could do *sigh* Kiyo curled around Horikita protecting her from any hits she would've originally took

*Bam* *Crack*

While falling Kiyo hit branches and tumbled down the hill, after that tough fall Kiyo really wanted to sleep, so Kiyo found a big tree that covered them from the rain he set Horikita down against the tree and used her lap as a pillow 'Finally some rest' Kiyo was relieved that he could rest a bit

After a couple of minutes of rest Horikita finally woke up "Hmm, what happened?" Horikita asked, after looking around Horikita noticed she was somewhere different 'Huh?' Horikita felt something on her lap "Ayanokouji-kun?" Horikita noticed the sleeping Kiyo

With a couple of head pats Horikita woke Kiyo up "Ah, I see your finally awake" Kiyo said as he started rising to get up "Agh" Horikita grabbed her head "Your in no condition to be moving" Kiyo stated "You don't look so good yourself" Horikita replied

"There no point in trying to fix things" Kiyo said "But the class, everyone they put their trust in m-" Cutting Horikita off Kiyo chopped at her neck "Just let me keep my promise" Kiyo said, Horikita hearing those words, was once again nocked out and being carried by Kiyo

'I've got my work cut out for me' Kiyo thought

"Hmm" On the ship a sick Horikta woke up and stared at the tv that showed the island with all of the classes gathered together

"Class C in last place with 0 points, Class A in third place with 120 points, Class B in second place with 140 points and Class D in first place with 225 points" Mashima sensei announced "We won" a defect stated "We won!" Another defect said. The cheering continued as class D was victor

"What on earth happened?" Horikita asked herself and she knew exactly who to ask for the answer. Kiyo back on the ship didn't go to the celebration party that class D had and instead went to sleep on an actual bed 'Your not Bed-chan but your good enough' Kiyo thought as he drifted to sleep

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