The Fuji District

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Deku's POV:

I heard loud yelling and Kacchan's roars from down the hall, I didn't know why but I did know from what i understood some argument was happening, between him and some of his friends, I assumed I'd ask him later about it but before i could turn in the other direction towards my room, I saw Kacchan run down the hallway scan his key card and slam his door shut. I felt so uneasy seeing him in this state, teary eyed, with his nose scrunched up. It made me feel so sad, I didn't pity him, I just knew how it felt to feel so confused, sad, angry, all at the same time, I knew how it felt for so long.

Running after him and knocking on his door I hear the balcony door harshly drag open with force and the sounds of explosions fading below. Rushing to my room down the hall and opening my balcony to see if he was okay, I saw him running alongside of the outer wall of the gate set around Heights Alliance.

Bolting down the stairs I charge at the coat hanger, Grabbing my coat and an umbrella, to dashed out the door. When I got around the gate I saw nothing but pools of cool water, and gray, murky clouds, feeling the crisp air and seeing the white puffs of hot breath sharply hit the misty cold.

After I finish zipping up my coat and opening the umbrella I start to head towards our district, sometimes he likes to go home when he's upset, and sometimes he likes to sit on the benches of the parks we used to play at. Although he might be at the crumbled streets of the Fuji District, it ended up getting destroyed in a villain attack long before we were even born, so gangs, graffitists, the homeless and troubled teens often are found wandering down those empty streets, filled with garbage, broken glass, and rusted metal bars and door hinges. I used to be a troubled teen myself, god, I used to think so many things about myself and the others around me, I was filled with so much hate, it just makes me cringe thinking about it. After getting into UA I realized how fortunate I was to have new friends who care about me and a whole new view on life. Makes me snicker thinking about all the old times I used to listen to My Chemical Romance, and Set It Off, screaming at the top of my lungs and vandalizing whatever broken home was nearby. One time i was even caught by him, I was practicing trick-flips on the brand new board I bought, the old one had snapped doing a flip, crying and cursing at the board, about the bullying i had endured that day.


I failed the flip once again.

"I fucking hate that wierdo kid!"

Trips on board doing the flip.


I kick his ankle practicing flip.



As I get up and grab my board, I catch a glimpse of spiky hair, oh no.

Snapping my head up I can see Kacchan wide eyed with tear streaks down his face and a light pink dusting across his cheeks.

"U-uh. H-hi "I said looking at him.

"What the fuck Deku, you shit, didn't know you actually had the balls to cuss, bet you think your hot shit huh."

"N-no I was j-just a little upset." I said a cold sweat running down my forehead.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." he said as he rolled his eyes and bumped into my shoulder on his way past me. Before turning around.

"If you know what's good for you don't tell anyone i was here, let alone the state i'm in."

"Okay, i-i just, please don't tell anyone about this"

"Fuck you"

"Don't, please!"

"God, you're so annoying, leave me alone, you shit, so what! You cussed! Doesn't mean you got any balls on you!"

"Although, "innocent Deku", cussing, and even insulting one 'a the lowlives in our class... now that I think of it, this is good, watch out." - he said cruel and brutish, before stomping away.


I've looked through the parks, threw rocks at his home window and now I'm looking through Fuji, he isn't what you would expect, he's different, he isn't often understood, not even the people closest to him understand, I definitely don't know what goes through his head, but i try to understand, i look through the surface of his actions. He's protective of his friends, acts like he doesn't care, but I know he does. He proves it, shows it through his actions, when the Baku-squad asks him to make food when he's cooking, he usually says no, but every time without fail he makes extra bowls for them, leaving them in the fridge, I see him. I know he's not perfect, no one is, and I don't know why people have always expected him to be. I haven't, and look at the relationship we have, we're close, distant, but close, I see how he keeps an eye on me sometimes. He can tell when I feel like shit. When I feel like giving up and ending it all, he's always been there to confront me, he's always been brash, but who cares when you have someone who puts in so much effort. He cares so much about the people he loves. He won't show his soft heart, it's behind wall after wall, but if you try to get to know him, little by little, it's possible to earn his trust, and respect.

I hear soft cries and the sound of broken glass, interrupting my thought and the serene silence of these dead streets. Oh Kacchan, it'll be okay.

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