26 - Callum

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Watching Eloise speak made my dick twitch. She was funny, confident, beautiful, and so fucking stunning I wanted to steal her away and find a place to fuck her.

Her hair was all twisted up in a beautiful updo, exposing her long, glorious neck. Her peach-colored dress brought out her gorgeous sun-kissed tan and enchanting green eyes. And the jewelry she wore, the ones I bought her, looked beautiful on her. The necklace and earrings accentuated her flawless neck, and one I'd like to be fucking devouring right now.

Everything about Eloise tonight has my mind racing with thoughts. And it's making me go crazy, and I'm not sure I like my thoughts.

What I do know about one of these thoughts is I didn't care to hear Eloise talking about adding a third wheel to our sexual playtime. Insinuating she'd be for a threesome if I ever brought it up. And as much as I enjoy threesomes, I don't want to share this one with anyone.

And it was something my mind had been only thinking about since she told me that before the wedding ceremony began.

A reason why I kissed her before she headed to her side to stand.

A reason why I couldn't keep my eyes off her during the ceremony.

A reason why I carried her down the aisle instead of accompanying her down the aisle.

A reason I lifted her over my shoulder and smacked and grabbed her ass.

And a reason why I still can't keep my eyes off her is that I don't want her out of my sight, for another man to come on to her. Something I know will happen sometime during the evening—she's way too gorgeous not to want to talk to her.

I just can't fathom the thought of another man's dick inside her.

And everything I've done since Eloise's words got under my skin is me showing all single attendees they better stay away from her. I don't know if it's working, but I do hope it has. Because the last thing I want to do tonight, or while in Hawaii, is get in a fight with some horny dude who thinks he'll be able to talk Eloise into fucking him.

Nope. Not fucking happening.

I wasn't prepared to give a speech. And with all these recent weddings I've been forced to attend, you would think my dumbass would know by now that the best man is supposed to give a fucking speech. It goes to show after forgetting to set up a bachelor party for Rory, and now this speech. I blocked out everything that had to do with weddings. And it shows how much I ignored what was happening during these weddings.

The look on Eloise's face says she knows how much I'm not prepared, and she's eating it up. I don't write speeches. She writes them for me.

Fuck... what do I even say?

Use your brain and heart, Eloise told me.

Well... here goes nothing.

"Good evening, everyone. I'm Callum, Rory's best friend since we were kids. Or, as Eloise, Isabelle's beautiful maid of honor, said, a menace." I looked at Eloise and grinned. "I may be a menace, but you, my dear, are still a hemorrhoid—my favorite hemorrhoid..."

Her eyes rolled. But she still smiled.

"Anyway..." I said, returning my eyes to the attendees. "Everyone at this table knows I'm not one for weddings, so when Rory came to me demanding I be his best man, I wasn't sure I could do it or even wanted to do it. Being asked to be his best man was like being called to jury duty. You don't want to do it, but you know you have to. However, I accepted because he is my best friend, and I love him and his new wife, hoping I wouldn't screw this up for them. So, with that said, I hope what leaves this mouth next will be acceptable and not too mushy. Me and mushy don't get along," I chuckled, and so did everyone in the room.

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