37 - Eloise

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Spending these last two days in New York City with Callum has been incredible—yet busy. He's covered many places I had always wanted to see. And so far, he's taken me to Ellis Island and Liberty Island, where we toured the Statue of Liberty. He also brought me to Central Park, the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Times Square, and some pretty amazing museums.

Callum's taken me to some fantastic restaurants as well—places that are way out of my league, but even so, I still enjoyed the excellent food and atmosphere.

At his place, after showing me a closet—my new closet, filled with brand-new clothes, he told me that was only the beginning, and in New York, he's reminded me that everything he's done so far was the start to so much more—including traveling with him.

Every waking minute I spend with Callum. The more I hang around him. The more he does things for me, showing he cares, the more time we spend satisfying each other, and the more he talks to me, talking dirty and telling me things that excite my ovaries, the more I fall for him. I've also noticed he feels the same—at least, I think that's what I see.

But all this time we've spent together these last few days, I've also noticed something bothering him or withdrawn about something. And whenever I ask what's on his mind, he either changes the subject or puts up a front saying nothing is wrong.

At least, that's how I've taken it.

Callum's slowly coming around. The other night, when I brought up Victoria, he didn't change the subject; he admitted something he hadn't before—something Isabelle suspected—that Victoria had passed away. Callum said little about her, but he said enough that shows he's taking baby steps into telling me everything—and I cannot wait to hear what happened—I want to help him get over it. Especially now that I know she's no longer on the ground. That she's up high, looking down on him. And I'm sure she's most likely cringing after seeing what he turned his life into after she went into the next world.

Then, while we were getting ready to meet with Mack and Marissa for dinner, Callum warned me that when he was in New York without me, Marissa had come on to him inside an elevator, on top of her, trying to entice him during their meeting with Mack.

I didn't understand why Callum needed to tell me about Marissa coming on to him; we weren't even an item then, even when he claimed we were. However, his telling me about it shows he's got a conscience. And it also showed he wanted me to know or see that he's been trying to be a one-woman man since we met—longer than I thought he had, and it made my heart swell with pride that Callum's taking bigger steps to be the man he should be—for me, to keep me in his life.

But now I understand why Callum mentioned Marissa's seductive ways with him; the woman is drop-dead gorgeous. We haven't even reached our table, and I can see how bright her blue eyes are as she watches Callum guide me through the establishment. Her long, shiny midnight-black hair brought out her eyes' blueness and flawless skin tone. Everything about her was perfect, like she had just stepped out of People's the most beautiful woman magazine. The shape of her eyes. Her perfectly shaped and sculpted eyebrows, nose, cheekbones, and lips—amazing lips, actually. They're kissable, plump, and full—almost resembling Angelina Jolie's lips.

Callum must have sensed my thoughts because he leaned into my ear, whispering, "Don't let her get to you. You're much prettier than Marissa."

"You turned that down?"

"I did. She's not you," he said, making my heart flutter as we approached the table. Mack and Marissa are standing with their hands extended toward us.

"Callum, it's nice to see you again," Mack said, eyes on me. He released his hand from Callum's and brought it to mine, smiling as he said, "You must be the famous, hardworking Eloise McKnight."

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