21 A Happy Ending

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We were walking past the school when I heard someone yelling.

    "Uma!" Mal called behind us. "Uma, stop! Please, stop! I need your help." Mal ran in front of us blocking the way. "We have a chance if we do this together."

    "Your friends kick you to the curb?" Uma asked Mal didn't answer, which led me to believe something happened. "Good." Uma said.

    "Ben saw something in you. And today, Uma, I saw it, too. You care. Uma, you care about everybody. And Auradon is worth saving. Help us, please." Mal begged.

"You talk pretty, but...she's already made up her mind." Harry told Mal.

"You brought this on yourself, Mal. You figured out how to fix it. Let's go." Uma said as the three of us walked past Mal.

We walk into the woods till suddenly we heard a loud shriek from a dragon, and that could only be Mal. Quickly we ran back in front of the school looking up to see Mal flying through the air trying to warm up the ember as Audrey stood on the highest tower.

"She doesn't stand a chance without the ember." Uma said turning towards us.
I looked up to see Mal getting shot with a pink lightning bolt.

"Come on." I said and dragged Harry as Uma and I ran directly in front of the tower standing at the base of the school below where Audrey was.
Uma pulled out her shell necklace and it started to glow gold.

"We're stronger together." Uma called. "We're stronger together! I'm right here, Mal!" Mal flew down close to Uma and the ground. "Regain your might and ignite. I'm right here, Girl. I'm right here. Regain your might and ignite!"

Mal growls calmly as she outstretched her hand revealing the little ember in her claws, and then it started to glow bright blue.

"Yes!" Harry yelled beside me.

Mal seemed to smile at us before she flew back up to Audrey.

Audrey's pink magic met the embers blue. Even with the ember I could see that the full power hadn't returned after being in the water, Audrey's rage and hatred was strong and Mal soon began to fail as the pink grew closer.

"You got this! You got this, Girl!" Uma and Harry yelled.

I took a deep breath at I popped open the bottle of pixie dust and sprinkled some on my hand then my body. All I needed to do was get Audrey's attention even for a moment and that would mean all the difference to Mal.
I jumped off the ground without even looking back I fly up behind the tower and slowly lower down behind Audrey.
I turned to the side to see a very scary Celia huddling in a corner, I give her a smile before I turn back to Audrey.
I walk up so I'm right behind her and I give her a tap on the shoulder. Quickly she spun around started and I was flung across the the tower hitting the stone wall. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Audrey falling to the floor then my vision went to black.

I wake up laying in a soft bed having no clue where I am. I sit straight up to see Harry sitting beside my bed, Uma, Carlos, Jay, Celia, Gil and Evie were also there.

"You're awake!" Harry exclaimed and everyone looked at me relieved.

"How long was I out?" I ask as I look around my room.

"A day and a half." Harry smiles at the sight of me awake.

"Audrey?" I ask.

"Taken care of." Uma said.

I pull Harry in for a kiss. "So we head back to Isle now, right?"

"Yeah, you really don't have..." Harry stars.

"My life has always been better when you are around. I really don't have a choice." I tell him.

Harry, I, Uma and Celia all returned to the Isle.

Weeks passed by and the barrier remained closed, I must say the Isle wasn't the worst, sure I missed Auradon but I felt like I belonged here.

One afternoon Harry and I were in the Chip Shop when suddenly Gil burst in.

"The barrier it's it's gone!"

I grabbed Harry's hand and we ran to the bridge with Uma. The bright sun lit up the Isle and people everywhere were looking up smiling.

"My plan." Uma smiled and spun around. "Yes!"

(The bit with Harry at the end of the song with Uma and Audrey pretend they are you.)

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