Act 14: Conclusion and Commencement

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"Sailor Star.... Love and Compassion.. I am the pretty guardian who fights for love and for Compassion, I am Sailor Star and Princess Serenity. For the name of the Star, I'll punish you with the light and banish you forever!"

"I am Sailor Star in the name of the Star, I'll punish you with the light. Serenity hits Metalia's star shape above.

"It's not affecting her..." Serenity gasped.

Always remember that the Legendary Silver Crystal depends on your heart Serenity.

"Serenity! Don't think, just pray! Believe in yourself! You're invincible!" Mamoru yelled.

He's right. Luna, Artemis, Vega, Selena, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Suit Mask, Moony, I won't give up!

"Awake, great power of the Moon! With all the power of my being, I'll strike a fatal blow!"

The moon starts glowing as Serenity's hair glows as well.

"The moon is brighter..." Mamoru whispered.

"The brightest Moon... I can't reach it.." Queen Metalia said.

"Be gone Queen Metalia! By the power of this holy light, you'll be blown in pieces!" Queen Metalia starts to turn white and vanish. As Serenity's hair turns back to normal, but still white, she starts to fall and turn back into her regular self, but her hair still white as snow.

"Renako? Sailor Star!"

"Sailor Star, you did it, you saved Earth."

"Mamo-chan?" Serena sat up slowly. She hugs him.

"We're together..." He whispered.

"I'm so glad, Mamo-chan"

"Renako, I always wanted to hold you like this" Mamoru admitted.

"It was so long, Mamo-chan "

He touched Serena's hair, she backed up a little, seeing that her hair was still white.

"You're used to me with golden blonde hair, I don't feel like being around like this, it looks like Elsa's hair..."

"Renako, gold hair or white hair, you look beautiful. When I see you with white hair, you remind me of Sailor Star all over again"

And then, the Silver Crystal starts to glow. She held up the Crystal as Serena's school uniform and hair floats.

"Moon Healing power! Help my fellow guardians! Let them rise once again! Moon Power! Give my guardians power to rise once again!"

With the others:

Moon feels something waking her up, Suit Mask was hoping that she was ok.

Moon Healing power! Awaken and help my fellow guardians!

Rena-chan? Are you alive? Is Mamoru-San still here? Kai-chan?

Moon slowly wakes up, seeing that Kai was right with her.

"Kaiser" she hugged Suit Mask as he smiled and hugged back.

"Good awakening, Bunhead..."

Back with Serena and Mamoru.

"Silver Crystal, take us to the Moon, my home...."

At the Moon
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The Lost Princess ( Tuxedo Mask x oc) Sailor Moon Crystal Where stories live. Discover now