Chenford Hike + Baby Talk

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" c'mon Tim lets go for a hike please, Kojo hasn't gotten out all week and i want to do something outside " Lucy whined at Tim trying to drag her husband out of the bed luckily he was quick enough to pull her back by his waist where she landed in his lap " Luce it is our day off and I want to spend it here " Tim adamantly told his wife of six months.

But Lucy gave him a look that he knew all too well the look that says " you can't say no please please " but not long Tim grumbled and finally got up because Lucy was right Kojo hadn't been out all week because of their shifts and has been stuck in his crate and he really can't say no to Lucy.

Half an hour later they were on the road to Griffith park trails where they can get a decent hike, with the weather nice with Kojo's head out the window enjoying the air the dog hadn't gotten and he wouldn't lie. Tim liked getting outside today.

Course every time they go on a hike Lucy is always telling Tim to hurry up because he's slow. After he made it to the stop they stopped at the top where they sat on a rock with Kojo by their feet heavily breathing. Also just soaking in each other's presence Lucy slumped into Tim side where he gave her a kiss on her temple.

Lucy was contemplating about asking the questions but asked anyway " ever thought about having kids" she asked him.

It took a minute for Tim to process the questions. He did have plan's with Isabel to pop out three kids and watch them grow up and have kids of their own, but that didn't work out. Him and Rachel weren't dating that long to be on the topic about kids, plus he wouldn't move to new york with her so he stopped thinking about kids. He hadn't thought about it until Ashley came along and they were at a decent place to be talking about kids but wasn't sure if he wanted them with her, but when she said she didn't have the desire to get married or have kids. The thought left his mind again because he thought he was old to be having kids plus all of his previous girlfriends hadn't wanted them or they were in a short relationship to be thinking about. After he broke up with Ashley that night and undercover with Lucy and the kisses they shared and the weirdness after until she broke up with Chris.

After they started dating, Tim knew this would be the last relationship for him and hopefully for sure it was Lucy's last. They hadn't talked about kids at all but when they got married he thought about his dreams to be having kids again. But Lucy was worth the effort so if she didn't want kids he would find a way to respect the decision.

After his moment's of thinking he didn't see Lucy staring at him after she brought him back to the present " what are you thinking about " she said softly he ignored that question and went back to the one before ' ever thought about having kids.'

" I have thought about having kids.. I thought me and Isabel would have kids watch them, have kids of their own.." trailing off " but things don't always work out the way we want them to " she said looking at him " Luce you know I want kids and I definitely want them with you but I support your decision if you want them or not."

" I do want kids at least like 3 Tim. but I reckon we should put it on hold for now. I want to take the sergeant's exam now that you're metro and wait a few year's if I do become a sergeant, if it happens we just... wait?" she said with hestiancy in her voice.

" Yeah, I think we should," he said, smiling at her and looking back at the city.

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