17. Schemes behind the Scenes

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"My true goal? What, pray, do you mean, Sir?"

The words of the marquess came too fast. Too fiercely. I had accompanied my dear husband into too many business negotiations to not notice the signs.

"Come now, Your Lordship." I gifted the older man with an indulgent smile. "I am your son's secretary—meaning I read every single letter he receives. This includes the ones sent by your esteemed self. You took great care to announce Lady Adaira's upcoming marriage with multiple messages to a son you had hardly even seen in the last decade. So much care, in fact, it makes one wonder if you did not use this as a pretext to lure him to Battlewood for another purpose entirely."

His Lordship sent me a stern glare. "I have no idea what you might be blabbering about, young man!"

"Don't you, My Lord? Then I suppose I will just have to ask your son about the matter. I believe he went to visit his family, so he should be easy enough to find and—"


The marquess's barked command stopped me before I had even managed to turn around.

"Since my son is with his family, let us not disturb him, shall we? Family is important."

All right, now I definitely knew something fishy was going on! Family is important? Those three words out of the mouth of the Marquess Ambrose? He wanted something. He wanted something from my husband very badly. I just didn't know what yet.

"Now that I have had a moment to reconsider," the older man's voice tore me from my thoughts, "maybe you are not such a bad candidate for the position of my daughter's husband after all." With three steps, he was around the desk and in front of me, his eyes boring into me. "I shall consider your request for my daughter's hand—"


Swiftly, I performed a bow. "Thank you, My Lord."

Wait. Why was I thanking him for getting a chance to marry my sister-in-law? Argh! This was so confusing!

"—but only consider." His sharp words hit me before I could even straighten out of my bow. "You will still have to prove yourself worthy of being connected to a noble line such as mine. If you do not, no matter what my wife, daughter, or anyone else says, you will be out of here faster than you can blink. Understood?"

Oh, I wouldn't be sure about that. You learn to blink pretty fast when you get your pay deducted for the time you have your eyes closed.

"Yes, My Lord! As you say, My Lord!" I hesitated. "I know that you are a busy man, so now that this matter is concluded..."

"You are excused."

"Then I shall take my leave, My Lord." With another hasty bow, I retreated to the door. "I have some urgent business to take care of."

"Very well, then." He waved his hand. "Go!"

Without further ado, I slipped out of the room. Once outside, I waited a moment or two, making sure the door was closed—then dashed off down the corridor at top speed! Heck, was I glad right now that I was wearing trousers instead of some cumbersome dress. I had to run! Because I hadn't been lying when I told the marquess I had something urgent to do. I had to find Mr Rikkard Ambrose before he infected my baby with his fiendish vocabulary!

By the time I reached my, or rather, Mrs Lillian Ambrose's room, there was no sign of my dear husband. Hurriedly, I rushed over to the crib next to the bed, only to be greeted by Berty's cheerful smile.

"My little boy..." Unable to resist, I pulled him into my arms and started gently swaying from left to right, which elicited a happy giggle. "Hello there. I'm your uncle, and simultaneously your mother. It's all your father's fault of course. He's truly evil, isn't he?"

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