42. Virtuous Sisters-In-Law Gather Harems!

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The next morning, I—reluctantly—accompanied Mr Rikkard Ambrose to inform Adaira of her impending kidnapping by heinous villains. Needless to say, she was delighted.

"Oh, thank you!" Throwing her arms around my neck, she squeezed me hard enough to make feminist-juice. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Oy! Get off me!"

"Why?" She batted her eyelashes. "Don't want to have me in your harem anymore? You're breaking my heart, darling."

One of my eyelids twitched. And here I had been considering abandoning my revenge. Emphasis on had. "Perhaps I should get actual kidnappers to abduct you."

In response, she only gave me an innocent smile. "Perhaps I could also find a few more wives for you to marry. I'm sure there are some countries where polygamy is legal."

Faced with that terrifying prospect, I immediately decided to shift blame. "Ehem, the whole kidnapping thing was your brother's idea, anyway."

"Oh?" Adaira's eyes twinkled. "So should I find a harem of wives for him instead, then?"

My mouth dropped open.

"No, thank you," Mr Ambrose's chilly voice came from behind me. "One is more than enough."

Instantly, my shoulders sagged in relief. "There, you see? No need for you to—" Then his words truly sank in. Abruptly, my head whipped around to glare at my husband. "Hey, wait just a minute! What do you mean, more than enough?"

Clearing his throat, my dear husband hurriedly stepped past me, towards his sister. "Let's get back to the subject, shall we? Adaira..." His gaze suddenly turned solemn, and he placed a surprisingly gentle hand on his sister's shoulder. "Have you decided if you want this? I will not order this done if you don't agree."

Adaira frowned. "Why are you looking so serious all of a sudden? Well...more serious than you normally do."

"Because this isn't a simple matter, Adaira. This isn't just a short holiday you can come back from at any time. You won't be able to return home for a year or more, at the very least until you have reached your majority. Mother can't know the truth, either."


Mr Ambrose cut her off with one stern look. "She. Can. Not. Know. Because if she did and she let something slip, father could legally force it all out of her. He has absolute authority over both you and her."

"And if he finds out what happened and that your brother had a hand in it," I added what I knew he wouldn't say out loud, "there will be repercussions. Not just for you, but everyone in your family."

"So, mother cannot know," Mr Ambrose reiterated. "Your friends cannot know. No one can know."

Adaira gnawed on her lower lip for a moment—then nodded. "All right."

"You are sure?" I met her gaze. "Remember...a whole year, at the very least."

"I know." Adaira gave another nod, even if it was a rather grim one. "But I also know my mother. She will understand. She always wants the best for me, even if it might hurt her."

"Yes." Mr Ambrose gave a curt nod. "She is irrational like that."


"Do you have everything you need to pack?" Mr Ambrose demanded, completely ignoring his sister's mutinous look.


"Adequate. Be sure to be ready within two days. For obvious reasons, I won't be accompanying the gentlemen who will be escorting you out of your bedroom window, so for now..."

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