Til death do us part.

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Wednesdays POV:

I woke up on a stretcher getting carried out to the ambulance my vision was blurry and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I looked to my left and there were police vehicles I looked to my right and my heart sank.

I looked over and I saw a figure in a body bag. I began to hyperventilate I sat up and took the orinasal mask off. I looked at one of the nurses and asked him a question.

"The blonde hair girl is she..." I said pausing trying to contain myself, trying not to cry.

    He looked at me and shook his head and looked upset.

   30 minutes before.
  Enids POV:

"Her twin brother," he said psychotically.

As he held the sword to my throat just an inch away from my vocal cords I began to tear up.

Wednesday looks more lifeless than usual and isn't moving.

"Your sister was trying to kill us," I exclaimed.

"She was trying to get rid of you outcast freaks. And you're the reason she wanted to." He said pausing.

"What... What do you mean?" I said confused.

"She would always talk about how annoying you were. And we have to admit you are not anyone's first choice. I'm surprised you even pulled the Addams girl!" He said laughing.

Mrs. Thornhill always said I was beautiful And so did Wednesday.

"Your. Sister told me that I was pretty. And so did Wednesday." I said losing confidence.

"You believe them? I mean your mother was right you are worthless and you have nobody's first or last choice." he paused before talking.

"To be honest I think Wednesday is using you... A-"

Before he could finish his sentence I dug my nails into his right-hand side.

"YOU CUNT!" he said grunting and holding his side.

Nobody's POV:

"YOU CUNT!" He exclaimed holding his side.

Enid tried to run away but he grabbed her arm and pulled her to the ground and got on top of her.

"This is for my sister," he said raising his arms before slashing Enid in the stomach 4 times.

Enid went out. No breathing. No movement. And her eyes rolled to the back of her head before they closed.

    The man looked up and saw Mrs. Weems was shocked her mouth opened and her fists clenched.

   "You..." she said before chasing after the man.

He dropped the sword and began to run as Mrs. Weems ran after him she saw Yoko and Divina holding hands smiling and talking.

  "You guys call the police and the ambulance. Check the front entrance." Mrs. Weems said out of breath.

   She began to chase back after the man and Yoko and Divina were confused.

Divina was holding the phone calling the cops and walking by Yoko to see what the issue was.

Yoko walked into the entrance first and froze.

  She looked around and saw Wednesday on the floor and then followed her eyes to Enid.

  She screamed at the top of her lungs and rushed to Enid.

   "ENID! Enid are you okay?!?" she said over and over again until the ambulance took her away.

Wednesday's POV:

I got carried into the ambulance and they began to put gaze around my puncture.

   Tears slowly began to form around my eyes. I swore to never cry again but I couldn't help myself she was my Enid and I loved her dearly so much to the point, I shared emotions with her.

  Mrs. Weems boarded the ambulance with me and say beside me.

   "I'm sorry you're going through this I... I am." Mrs. Weems said putting her head down.

I nodded and kept my head down trying as hard as ever not to cry.

   The whole entirety of the ride to the hospital was silent. Not a word, or a noise.

All you could hear was the stuff from the shelves bouncing around and the tires moving and the faint sound of a siren.

   5 minutes later:

I could feel the ambulance come to a complete stop and the two nurses' feet stomping on the floor to open up the back door.

    Everything around me became muffled more and more as I realized I would never see Enid again. My Enid is gone from me and everyone else forever.

     The thing is I never felt like I was wasting my time with her.
All the dumb little things she made me do like my nails.
Or how she would ask me to take out my hair and spend twenty minutes or so on it.

We could sit in silence for hours after we had an assertion and it would still feel so full, and good, and make me happy.

I'm so thankful for her. For all, she has done for me. Even her stupid little songs she would listen to. I will miss it all.

And Enid you will always be the one my heart will search for even though you are gone.

My throat was hurting from the cries I held in so I got up and grabbed my IV and went to the vending machine to get water.

As I walked past the counter I saw one of Enid's jackets sitting on it.

   I picked it up and felt the softness of it.

I put it up to my face and smelled it, it smelled like her after every morning I would wake up and after every night we would sleep together.

   I held her jacket and walked back to my room I lay on my bed and wrapped my arms around her jacket and sobbed.

   I cried so much more than Enid probably ever did, I couldn't help I don't think I've ever been so... Sad ever.

   As I was crying a voice from above me.


   I looked up to see if it was Enid and it wasn't it was my parents and brother.

    I raised my hand and wiped my eyes quickly and put Enid's jacket on my lap.


"Are you okay?" Pugsly said playing with his thumbs.

    "I'm fine," I said in a numb tone.

"Do you wish to still attend Nevermore Wednesday?" my mother said.

    Enid isn't there anymore but she would have wanted me to stay at school she would love that.

"Yes, I do," I said trying to say as few words as possible.

   "Okay well the nurses said you would be discharged in three days tops, we will be at a hotel in Jericho." My father said trying to lighten up the mood.

    "Okay, that's fine. Just pick me up when I call." I responded to my father.

He nodded and they turned around and shut the door on the way out.





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