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I've been in this dream like place for a while and it feels like I'm never making it out of here I don't know what's going on or why I'm here and where my friends are but it gotta be a reason

All of the sudden the room went bright white and a whole bunch of doors popped up so I walked into one

——————2nd grade

I seen myself when I was younger in class , that was my first time I had a fight in my life , I watched as I seen my young self sit at the table being laughed at and called names by a whole bunch of boys and girl and the teachers doing nothing and I was on the edge of crying , then we had went to lunch and a girl poured her milk on me so that's when I fought her and got suspended .

I seen another door so I walked to it and went in

—————————8th grade

Damn...... this was the time I was at a party for the first time in the summer when me and dd first made contact sexually I sat there and had to see the whole thing as he went down on me you could see how nervous I was but he made me feel like I was important and he didn't care about anything else but me .

Once it was over a new door opened so I went in

—————3rd grade

This was when my parents got token away from me and how sad I was and how fucked up my parents looked like they didn't give a care in the world but only about drugs .

I walked into the next damn near crying

——————7th grade

No no no no this was when my grandma passed I never knew how she passed nobody told but , all I see is her in the house so I'm guessing i was at school but she got Into the shower and slipped and cracked her head open and laid there crying until it was over and my auntie Sam was the first one to see her and she got her and called the Ambulance and they cleaned everything before I got back home .

If I wasn't crying before I am now I can't believe it.

—————-foster care

This is when I got raped and abuse by a worker but ion wanna re live this so I'm not even gonna look .

I went to the next room

—————giving birth

This is when I gave birth to baby niyah  even tho I was in so much pain it was worth it for the beautiful child I brought into this world well it's not like I'm in the actual world I guess .


The doors disappeared and my head started spinning and all I could see was memories of when I was an very anger and hurtful person

I stabbed somebody, I robbed people , I beat up people , I hurt lots of people because of my problems I couldn't control at the time I was Evil I didn't care I killed and didn't get caught I stabbed people in the back I dropped prices on people to get them lined .

"No no no make it stop "

"Make it stop please "

"I changed i CANT go back "

I cried out .

Hello please

Anybody hello





"Melani hello wake up " I opened my eyes and seen everyone standing over top of me

"Omg I'm alive " I hugged all of them

"First eww your sweating like crazy and wym you was sleeping  " bri said

"Nothing long story I'm just glad to be back " I said as I went upstairs

I went into the closet and seen a suitcase wit something in it so I opened it and it had bloody clothes

"No No this can't be " ......

It's no other parts to this here's an explanation to this , so basically Melani was trapped In some dream type world that was showing her the past and it switched real quick to what she was like that nobody knew about but she kept it away for so long that it started haunting her until she faced her past but once she woke up one of the times she murdered sb it came back and that's what was in her closet

I can't explain for shit but oh well

𝓶𝔂 𝓴𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓻 ( 𝚊 𝚍𝚍𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚊 mafia story) ~ OUR DEEPEST SECRET.Where stories live. Discover now