Unnie Yn! You the best!

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(Yn Pov)

"Let's start!"

"Lady Yn.. Are you sure you can—" One of the knights said with a worried face.

"Shh~" I leaned closer to him and whispered. "Watch and Learn"

"Call all of them"

I waited for minutes before all the teachers and the head of the orphanage came all together. About miss connie.. I already told them to take her away while I'll play with the others.

'I should try using shinobu's teachnique of torturing demons.'

All of them are now kneeling Infront of me. I ordered the knights to take the Embezzlement Evidence behind the photo frame.

"Mister~ Do you know the punishment for what you did?" I leaned to him.

I watched his reaction for a moment then I take a step back. "These are all your crimes! First is Embezzlement. Then.. Child Abuse, Fraud, and Child Pornography!"

"Oh! And a really good news! I'll be the one to gave you some punishment! I'm quite have a lot of torturing ideas to try out... But you're lucky! I won't do that to you all! I'll just torture you the way lady leonia instruct me to do!"

 But you're lucky! I won't do that to you all! I'll just torture you the way lady leonia instruct me to do!"

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"I have never played with any humans before... I only played with demons... But since your all equal to demons, I'll play with you fairly too!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Author poV)

Leonia sat besides philio while covering her whole body with warm blanket.



"What is it? Dame Levipath"

"I'm sorry we had to stop so suddenly, Your grace." The female knight said. "It's late and the lady doesn't seem well. We were wondering if you would like to spend the night at the nearby Inn." She continued.

"Ah! I'm fine—" Leonia said but she got cut off by Philio.

"Let's do that" He said.

"I'm talking here, mister!"Leonia said loudly.

"You're shaking because you have not eaten, but you still seem to have a loud voice." Philio said making her pout.

Philio stands up and leaves the carriage. "Levipath. Once leonia recovered her strength, Make preparations to leave."

"Yes.. Your grace."

"SURPRISE!" Leonia said. "It smelled sooo nice! I have never smelled something like this before!"

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