Der Flohwalzer: PUNISHMENT TIME!

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(Yn PoV)

While waiting for the Execution room to be finished. I teach them how to play Der Flohwalzer Song. Everything went smoothly until.. THE DAY OF EXECUTION FINALLY ARRIVED.

"Unnie... The bears doesn't have any name yet."

"Ah! Let's just call them Berrycubs! That one huge bear over there will be their captain! Berkuma!"

"Ooo~ Nice names" Leo gave me a Thumbs up.

"I can't wait to start!~ Ah! I should change to more fitting clothing before we start!"

Yn Clothing:

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(A quick ⚠️‼️WARNING TO THE VIEWERS‼️⚠️. The next page might contain some gore. Skip it if you hate it)

The room is finally finished.

(If you had watched the Der Flohwalzer Execution, Then I'm sure you can already imagine what the room is like. For those who hasn't watched it yet, I'd recommend you to watch it because I'm not gonna explain what the room is like. My fcking arms hurts from writing some explanation shits 🙂💔. Let's get back to the story shall we)

The audience is sitting not far from the huge piano. And the Berrycubs is already on their position.

'It's time for them to arrived" I thought.

For the past few days, We have been treating them nicely to the point that they think we have already forgiven them.

How hilarious.

"Your grace. They have arrived." One of the knights said.

"Let them in" Philio ordered.

The dean and the teachers entered the room. They're all wearing a noble clothing.

I stands up from my seat and walked to the front.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Der Flohwalzer Execution!"

The teachers and the dean gasped and I can't help but laugh at their reaction.


They flinched at my cold tone. I pointed at the female teacher.

"Ladies First"

From above the rope grabbed her neck onto the huge piano.

The rope dropped her roughly at the piano keys and it tighten it's grip to her neck.


(Author poV)

Berkuma, wearing a black tuxedo, sits on a tall chair in front of the piano holding a baton acting as the conductor, while a crowd of other berrycubs start to gather and a large machine connected to the piano decorated with red roses featuring a cat, a pocket watch and a playing card emerges from behind it.

Berkuma raises his baton, and the berrycubs appear on both sides of the piano, holding ropes which they pull downward. The rope is revealed to be tied around woman's neck, which pulls her upwards and forces her to stand up, grabbing the clasp.

As berkuma conducts, the berrycubs then start pulling her up and down, making her play a song on the piano using her body. However, She begins to step on the wrong piano keys, playing so out of tune that it disgusts the crowd of berrycubs.

Philio watches as the berrycubs pulled the ropes up and down. Fascinated by the method of Execution he observe every single detail of it.

The knights on the other hand is confused.

"How is this an execution?" One of them whispered.

"I have no Idea"

Leonia begins to clap her hands so happily and hums the song.  "The music is so goooood!"

"It's time" Yn said.

Suddenly, the berrycubs begin to speed up the song, pulling her up and down so quickly that she finds herself unable to breathe, her face red and her eyes swirling from dizziness. Berkuma begins to swing his arms about wildly instead of actually conducting the song, due to its speed, and starts sweating.

The song becomes faster and faster with the machine connected to the piano seemingly breaking until the woman dies from asphyxiation.

Just as she dies, Berkuma stops swinging his arms and stops the song, flinging drops of sweat everywhere. The lights around the piano darken, as a shocked Berkuma stands on the stool panting and the woman's dead body continues to swing with the rope.

The spiked piano cover starts to close in on the woman's motionless body, but Benodam pushes Benokid in before it shuts completely. The woman's corpse is destroyed by the piano cover's spikes as her blood splatters. Benokid is decapitated with almost his entire body being destroyed, leaving only small parts, and his head rolls over.

Cara, Meleis, Rupert and the Knights stare at the scene horrified.

The dean and the teachers is also horrified by the scene.

It is the most brutal execution they have ever seen.

Yn clapped her hands and thanked Berkuma for entertainment.

"Now... Let's start the next execution!"

To be continued...

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