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We drive in silence. Roaring silence. The kind that I hate and then Adrian turns on the radio and I'm grateful. I'm grateful for him and what he did for me because I don't think anyone's ever done something like that for me, not even my brother.

He's making it very difficult to be mad at him when he gets like this.

Adrian turns the volume up and I feel my body sink into my seat, my emotions drowning me as the music plays.

I think I let out a sob but I'm not too sure. My hands cover my face and I just cry.

It's really embarrassing actually, who the hell likes crying in front of people? No one, that's who. Unless you're an attention whore.

I just want to curl up in my apartment and rot away in peace. Turn me to dust and let the wind scatter me across the dirty lakes of Washington.

I feel a warmth on my thigh and when I look down, through the blur of my tears, I find Adrian's hand there, squeezing me in a way that brings me comfort and makes me want to cry some more.

Why does he have to go and do stuff like that?

Not even caring anymore, my hands lay on top of his and squeeze him back.

A silent thank you.

Adrian flips his hand and laces his large fingers through my smaller ones, my heart beating against my ribs. After a few moments I start playing with his rings, twisting them and taking in the detail of the three on his right hand. One is just a silver band, simple and yet it looks stunning on him. The one on his pointer has more detail, it's more of a chain linked design that hugs his finger perfectly.

I think my favorite might be the one in the middle, a thick silver band that widens into an oval shape right in the middle. Tracing the shape that is beautifully crafted in the middle with my pointer, I smile softly at the wide-eyed doe that fills the oval space.

What the hell are we doing?

Still not able to care at the moment, I give him another squeeze and turn my head to watch his jaw tighten and his other hand grip the wheel until his knuckles whiten.

Then, he does the craziest shit.

Adrian brings my hand to his lips, brushing the softest kiss across my knuckles, my cheeks turning warm and my stomach fluttering like crazy.

I like this Adrian. I like him a lot more than I should and that school girl crush on him begins to swell and I kind of hate him for it.

I hate him for saving me from my father and for being this tender and patient with me and for always being there even when he shouldn't be or when he's pissing me off.

Why couldn't I have known this man? This version of him would have been so easy to like. This version could have saved us from so much damage.

How can someone like and hate someone the way I do him?

He literally makes me insane.

When we make it to my apartment, Adrian severs the contact and hops out, rushing to my side and helping me out of the car.

His fingers lace with mine again and he leads me to my front door, taking my keys and letting us both in.

King of HartsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя