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I hear the waves, the waves hitting against the cliffs. I am laying on the beach. It is sunny and warm, but I am save, in the shadow, no sunburn for me. I see a view omegas playing in the waves. 3. I know them. two of them are going to leave soon. "cured", when in reality all they did was forget, forget what horrible things happened to them. I know the third one as well, I feel sorry for him. When both of his friends leave, he has to stay, stay longer here, longer than I will, longer then the owner of this, who retires in 5 years. I didn't even actually get raped, he only was able to undress me and I was able to fight back before he put it in. He got gang raped for 3 whole weeks straight after he got kidnaped. He will say here probably forever. I want to come back here. Maybe next summer. I know that he is going to be here, and a view others. I hear the waves. And the supervisors. They bring water or lemonade. It's noon. later I have another therapy lesson, and then we can craft some things in the crafting room. I feel save. A lonely island in the middle of the ocean. In this Villa, were you get meals provided, shelter, and harmony. I look to the left. Koi sits beside me. He does no talk. He is sad. I know this Is a dream. I dream of him sometimes and were always here, he feels save here.

"we- know- guy." he says slowly. Very slow. Koi has very little vocabulary and questionable Gramma,  but he still knows how to communicate. "I thought he kind of looked familiar, are you sure we know him? were do you know him from." I ask slowly and look at him. He turns away, I can't see his face. He doesn't want to show it. He shrugs. "m- I." his voice is shaking. He stares at the waves. A supervisor comes and gives him something to drink then he leaves again. "tell me" I encourage him. "I- can't." He says "I can't."

"leave. quick." he says. Now turning his head slowly. 


I rip my eyes open and almost jump up. "everything alright sleeping beauty?" he asks confused. "he- he talked to me." I say excited. I get up and go to my stuff. I Pull out a diary and open It quickly to start writing down my dream. "wowowow what's going on?" "I am writing down my dream and try to decode Kois message, and You..." I turn around and see him close to me standing. "...can warm up my lunch." I finish. "Paster, in the Tote Bag. You should find something to heat it. right?" I say and start writing. I am so excited.

After writing everything in detail down I relax a bit. I feel this satisfaction. last time we talked was 2 months ago. My doctor for mental health in connection to inner omegas, and healing Kois Trauma told me to write down everything that he tells me and to do what he tells me to do. I feel so relieved, because in theory, him talking to me is a sign of healing. I flip through the pages of the diary. I named it KOI'S DIARY, there are four pages filled. Four times in 6 months, since he disappeared. I sigh. he used to talk to me daily and I talked to him. Now, since half a year, almost no interaction. But him talking means him becoming better. The other time he talked to me he was panicking a little. It was the day my ex got released from the hospital, and Koi was scared.

Arthur comes back and gives me the hot Food. "thanks" I say, sit down, open the box and start eating. "What's that? Kois Diary, is that your name?" "no Nono," I laugh. "no that's my inner omegas name, He just talked to me, in my dream, Isn't that crazy? I am sooo happy, because he didn't talk to me in such a while. And my doctor said that I should write down when he talks. So now I did that." He smiles at me bright. "That's nice. what did he say?" I get quiet again. He said that he knows Arthur, and I know him apparently as well. But I can't remember. I need to come up with something. "That's private." I answer. That was a good answer. I am proud of myself. "not going to tell me?" he asks again. "nope" I answer. Time check: 10 hours left.

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