6 hours

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Once I calmed down a bit, Arthur slowly starts sitting up again. He makes sure though that he stays completely inside me. Almost like a knot, he seals our connection so that nothing escapes. He starts typing again. I just lean against him with my tummy. I know I'm a mess, but I really don't want to get up now.

Omegas are able to come two ways. Either from the front, which is not difficult to achieve and only needs little pleasure, I literally am able to cum by my nipples. Or from the back, this is a little more tricky. It is way harder to achieve, I've even heard that it is more difficult to cum from there, than it is for an alpha in general. It's similar to a female orgasm, just different I guess.

I quickly fell asleep after that. When I woke up, It was only 5 and a half hours left until landing. Arthur was still centimeters deep in me, and hard. I carefully strech a bit and lay then back down, a view more minutes wound damage, I think to myself, but Arthur has other plants. "Do you not want to wash up a bit?" he asks curiously. "m-m" I deny. "I want to sleep." I add. "But you just woke up. don't you think it's time?" he argues. "Noooooo" I decline. "I can help you." Arthur asks. I open my eyes again. "tempting, but no" I answer cold. "I'll take that as a yes, don't worry, I'll prepare everything." I just look at him confused, did I not just clearly decline? am I hallucinating?

He picks me up, takes out a towel and carries me to business, there he pust the towel on a chair and places me on that. Then he slowly pulls out. I immediately feel empty, this would be a moment were my inner omega would whine loud and complain, but he isn't. Arthur just lets me sit there, tells me though that he'll grab a view things and that I can just lean back and relax a bit. I close my eyes again, but sadly not long enough to fall asleep, because a minute later Arthur comes back.

I open my eyes and sit up straight, he has a bowl with warm water and an empty bowl, another towel, a wash cloth, and a little bag. Then he knees down between my legs. "just lean back and relax I said." he says with a slight annoyed undertone since so I lay back down and close my eyes. I can hear him opening the bag. Then I feel the soft washcloth cleaning the area around my hole, my tummy, my dick and balls. I got the chills, this was pretty uncomfortable, I don't like this. "schhhhhh, relax, you're tensing up again" he tries to calm me down. But how am I supposed to be calm with a stranger between my naked legs, cleaning the cum away that he just injected into me. I start to shiver and open my eyes again. Arthur is not kneeling between my legs anymore, but standing right before me, staring into my eyes. "schhhhh" he makes again and touches my cheeks. "calm down, we can do this the hard or the soft way." his voice is threatening again. "what do you want?" he asks. "what do you want?" I ask back, looking at him anxious. "I just want the best for you" he smiles and moves his hands up to my eyes, "and now, relax, my little snowdrop." the last thing I see before closing my eyes is his evil smile until I fall into a deep black state of Subconscious.


I jolt up quickly. I breathe heavily. what the fuck happened. I am lying back in first class. all my stuff is with me. My water bottle is full. Everything is the way it was a view hours ago. I look around panicking. I can't calm down. What the fuck was that. I sit up straight and search for Arthur. Then I feel it. There is something inside me. I am plugged up and filled with a liquid. The plug is pretty big, I am stretched so that no liquid can escape. I lay back down. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? What time is it. I check the time, 5 hours. I sit up a bit again, the sun is going down outside, or up, I have no idea. I am on a plain to Greece, no, Canada, no. I look around, I can see a stewardess pushing a cart with snacks through the empty ails. "Excuse me?" I approach her from my seat. "were is this flight going to?" she looks at me confused. "Indonesia" she answers. "thanks." she leaves quickly and I lay back down. I don't feel good. I feel dizzy, and wired. Was that a dream? was that a command? a direct command? was that why I fell into subconsciousness?

"o- you woke up?" I spin around way to quick and the dizziness quickly makes me regret that. "perfect timing" Arthur smiles, petting my head. "don't touch me" I hissed at him and slap his hand away. "o, kitty kitty, did you not like me talking to you directly?" he smiles at me. "Koi is such a nice guy, so friendly, well, If you had trained him correctly, he shortly would be. Currently he is a beast." he smiles and looks at me. "I would have never thought that a person like you has such a... possessive, inner omega." he smiles. I look at him in shock. "what did you do" I ask him, with a shaky voice. "well,I just wanted to help you, but he was bitching at me for kicking you out of consciousness, we fought,  I wanted to teach him a little lesson, but that fucker bit me, as if that would be the last thing he would ever do, so I punished him, as you can probably feel." he looks down on me. I follow his look down to my middle. "what?" I ask almost whispering. "Be patient, my little toy, you'll feel it soon enough." he laughs a bit and sits down the seat besides me. "this is not only a punishment for you, but also a way of me studying your fertility." he smiles even brighter. "I mean, we NEED to have kids, and therefore I have to see how fertile you are." With every sentence I get more and more confused. Fertility? punishment? Koi being anything BUT extremely devote? This scares me, sweat starts rolling down my back and I feel heat. My abdomen starts to feel wired I look down to my pants and back up to him. "what did you do to me?"

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