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My beloved Wife,
Please do not write such things. I worry your enthusiasm may be taken for an escape plot. I will be going to trial soon. Do not worry about going to it. It is inevitable how it will end. Instead, take your time thinking about the happy life you will lead. I am astounded that not even a few months ago, we barely spoke, and now I head toward my death happy to have met you. It's amazing how things change. That's all this really is, my love. Change. All things must change, it is the way of the world.
All my love,
Admiral Lance Mendoza

The letter is short. I wish I could be more thorough, but doom has unexpectedly crept up on me. Fear of death is only human and as the final hour approaches my stomach swirls. They shave me one last time, allowing me the dignity of dying like a noble I suppose. They lay out my military uniform.

"It's time," One of my guards. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I'm escorted out, toward my trial. My steps are heavy, booming in my ears. This is it, my final bow. I'm carted off to the courtroom. Noble trials are all fixed, after all. It's all for show. An elaborate play for the commoners, to believe that nobles can be brought to justice as well. My thoughts are surprisingly empty as I'm led into the courtroom. I close my eyes, and heave a sigh, swallowing roughly.

"We stand here today, to determine if Admiral Lance Mendoza is guilty of the murder of the Duke, Raymond Castillo." The judge announces.

And then I see her. She stands, in all black, with gloves on her arms, a black veil over her face. She looks stunning. But what on earth is she doing here?

"We will hear from witness testimony and...Mrs. Mendoza, who will be part of the legal counsel representing Admiral Mendoza."

My wife stands straight, as she begins her opening statements. I shouldn't have put it past her, even though I was so adamant with her that she should stay as far away from this situation as possible.

"I will be proving to this court that my husband is guilty of nothing more than bragging and poor maintenance of a firearm he no longer uses," She says confidently.

"I was the only witness present that night. Which brings me to my first point of evidence. Letters to my husband's best friend Michael. He received these letters weeks ago," She exhibits her evidence.
Author, Bookkeeper, lawyer. Is there any profession she couldn't master?

"And do you attest to having received said letters?" The judge asks Michael. I don't know how this will help, because I never sent a letter about the Duke visiting.

Michael stands. "Yes, your honor. Within those letters, Lance expressed anxiety about impressing his father-in-law and asked if I might recall any war stories to impress him. I did not answer, because at the time, my wife had just given birth, and I had not noticed them."

I fight to keep an even expression. That never happened and isn't like Michael to lie.

"I also have experts who can attest that the wounds on my father's corpse indicate something accidental, rather than a brutal murder. I have the doctor who autopsied the Duke, our family doctor who has been loyal to the duke for many years, as well as other doctors well-versed on the subject."

"Objection your honor!" Carlos shouts.
The judge raises his brow. "Your objection?"

Carlos balls his mouth up in irritation. "It's clear my father was murdered and she is clearing it up."
The judge, an older man who seems unamused with all of this, looks over his spectacles. "Your proof?"

Carlos shifts. "My sister had motive to kill my father!"
I catch my wife's small smile. A trap it seems.

"And motive is that?"

Carlos goes mute. It was a trap. If he were to admit that the Duke abused his daughter, even if he proved I murdered his father, he'd never live it down. He'd be ostracized and shamed, and perhaps even had his title taken away. But if he doesn't, then there's no motive on paper for my wife to have anything but love for her father.

"I am the Duke's beloved flower. He allowed me to marry the love of my life, though he was not the best political match. Why would I ever want to hurt my dear father?"

After that, the trial goes quickly. Rather than the murder being called into question, Anita turns the trial around to focus on what her brother might gain from having me out of the way.

"Due to the overwhelming evidence that this was, in fact, a tragic accident, I order Admiral Lance to pay a fine of 1,000,000 gold to the Duke's house for the wrongful death. Dismissed."

It's a blur. I thought I would die today, and yet the guard undoes my shackles. They clatter on the floor.
Anita raises her veil and grins, running toward me, and throwing her arms around me.

"I told you, I'd get you out," She whispers, kissing me softly. I put my arms around her waist, picking her up.
"I told you to stay where you were safe," I grin, putting my face in her neck, squeezing her softly.

"You know I never listen to you," She smiles back.

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