Chapter thirty-five

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I woke up at 2.4, and I had a text from Athena.

"Call me when you wake up."

I called her.

"Alex, good morning" She exclaimed, and I chuckled.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"You don't have work tomorrow, do you?"

"Nope, only today and again on Thursday."

"Great, today after the club I'm picking you up, we are going somewhere."

"Oh ok, where?"

"It's a surprise, pack a bag for 3 days and have it ready, we'll stop by after the club to take it."


"Oh and pack a swimsuit."

"Ok, I can't wait to see you."


I cooked pasta for lunch and took a shower, I packed my bag for tomorrow and got dressed for the club, I was dreading going because I knew it would be packed with drunk people out of control.

As I guessed a few hours into work we had to kick people out. A fight broke out between two tables, some girls were fighting, to be exact some drunk mascs were fighting, punches were being thrown, glasses were breaking, it was a mess. The waiters and the security guards, including me, tried to break them apart.

As I got in the middle of the fight, I got punched in the face by one of the girls. I was dragging another one out when she threw up all over my t-shirt. After an hour we managed to kick them all out, I took a 10 minute break to clean myself.

"Alex, are you ok?" Anna asked me worried.

"Not really" I said taking the t-shirt off and she looked away.

"Do you need anything?" She said not looking at me.

"Some ice would be nice, also, can I work in my sports bra? The t-shirt is covered in puke."

"You got hurt?" She turned and looked at me shocked.

"Yeah, one of the girls punched me" I said, and she left to bring me ice.

"Here" She gave me the ice and looked at my cheekbone, I could tell it was slit and bleeding. "She did some damage"

"Yes, I can tell." I put the ice on it.

"Do you want to take the rest of the night off?"

"No it's ok, I'll go back to work, it's not a big deal."

"Alex, you just got punched in the face and you bled, it is a big deal."

"I guess Mrs. Peterson hasn't told you anything about me, has she?"

"Not really, just that you needed a job and that you are a good kid, that's all."

"Yeah, well let's just say I've through worse, a punch isn't a big deal to me." I told her and she eyed me curiously.

"My family is abusive."

"Is that why you needed the job?"

"Yes, I had to move out when they found out I'm gay."

"Oh Alex, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it is what it is, I'm doing better now and that's what matters."

"You are right, are you sure you want to work in that outfit?" She asked and I smirked.

"I don't have any other option, plus I think it's going to help with the tips" She rolled her eyes and I laughed.

"I think I've heard enough."

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