Chapter 6: Light

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The knight who was holding the princess begins running away to where the guy who ordered them was-

I turn my whole body and chase that kni-

[ Fire Attribute: Sword ] [ You'll be facing me, kid ]

I give the knight who blocked my way a blank stare and-

[ Don't you dare disrespect the opponent in front of you ]

[ I don't care about- ]

I move my eyes to the right and behind me are the knights who once chained me-

[ We're here, I don't know how you escaped from us but, it won't happen again, kid ]

[ Fire Attribute: Sword ] says the knights who weren't holding a sword-

[ That sword is troublesome ] I look at the knight holding the girl while running away and see the guy that is approaching my location [ And looks like I'll have to fight someone strong ]

[ Fine, I'll quickly deal with all of you. ]

[ Light Sword Attribute: Fulgurating Light ]

I disappeared in front of the knights, and for each second, they noticed that-

[ Huh? ] says the knight when his comrade beside him collapses

[ Laurel the kid is behind you- ] the knight charges at me as soon as he sees me behind a knight named Laurel, so-

[ No, it's behind you, Peter- ]

[ Too late ] and I chopped Peter's neck using my light sword. It isn't enough to kill Peter but enough to render him unconscious

For each second that passed-

[ He is- ]

I teleport not more than five feet away to-

[ Unstoppable- ]

Attack the knights behind their backs to render them unconscious

Ten seconds later, I am standing in the same position before I chanted that Ability, but the difference is the knights surrounding me are no longer standing.

The footsteps of the guy who was ordering the knights are getting louder, and soon afterward, the clap of his hands replaced the noise of his footsteps

[ Nice, nice, very nice. You gave those Curtailed Baleful of mine a one-sided but gentle beating. ]

I start walking toward him without uttering any words

[ Well then- ]

When both of us are an inch away from each other-

[ Do you want to- ]

I continued walking pass him

[ Ehhh? Now that's disrespectful ]

He said as he chuckled

[ I only want the girl your knights took, so get out of- ]

He suddenly appeared in front of me with both of his hands behind his back

[ Well too bad ]

I directly stare into his eyes

[ You have to get past through me. ]

[ Annoying. ]

I attempt to teleport five feet away, but..

[ Oh why, hello there~ ]

[ Huh? ] Despite me teleporting, he's still right in front of me [ How? ]

[ I happen to be very observant. While you're fighting my knights, I noticed that you can only teleport at a limited distance ]

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