The chamber

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After getting ready Durar and the techmarine with the other 20 battle brothers got in the thunderhawk to get to the passages they went on there way to the big chamber that the techmarine has talked about

"We will be there in 5 minutes" the drive of the thunderhawk said over the vox channel 

"Okay." Durar said turning around "so we will explore this chamber and eliminate all the unknown xenos in this chamber and then we will hold off the rest so Callan can find out what they are and who made them."

(Callan is the techmarine)

As Durar finished talking the lights turned red and the thunderhawk driver said they are at the entrance. They landed and all 22 of them got off and formed a perimeter and after the thunderhawk left they entered the chambers entrance.

"Keep your eyes open they can crawl on the walls and ceiling." Callan said

And as Callan said that there autosence pick up something

"Callan brothers get ready they are coming." As Durar said that a sworm of the unknown xenos started to flood the corridor, Durar and the other battle brothers opened fire on them with there bolters in three round burst the unknown xenos falling to the ground.

"We must get past them to the main chamber it is just up ahead." Said Callan crushing one of the xenos heads under his foot

The more they pushed on the quieter it got and after some time the xenos stopped coming and there was an open path to the chamber

"Let's move there could still be more keep an eye out for any" Durar said walking over the dead xenos

After sometime they made it to the chamber but as they did they saw lots of the xenos before but now there is a big one in the middle

"Callan you will find a terminal to find out what you can and we will protect you until your done." Durar said not looking away from the big xenos in the middle

"Okay." Said Callan walking up to Durar

"Full attack." Screamed Durar

"For the lion!" Screamed the battle brothers charging into battle

"For the lion!" Durar screamed after them

As they reached the first xenos the battle had begone and Durar had pulled out his power sword and was striking down the xenos then he saw the big one moving to his position at a fast pace Durar readied himself for the fight and readied his power sword for a killing blow. As the big xenos get to Durar the fight began with durar cutting of one of it's arms but the other arm struck Durar his armor getting cut but Durar swinging his power sword up into the xenos chest cutting it in half and ending the battle. As Durar had finished he looked around seeing that his brothers had taken care of the other xenos.

"Callan get to that terminal." Durar said sheathing his power sword

"Yes company master." Callan said going to the terminal

After Callan got to the terminal a holo projection of the ring world popped up and it was a map of every chamber and base on it.

"Callan find out what these things are or who made them." Durar said pointing at the dead xenos

"Yes company master." Callan said as he worked on the terminal

As Callan got working on the terminal Durars autosence picked lots of movement coming from the entrance they came from.

"Defense parameter hostiles are coming" Durar said pointing his bolter at the entrance

As the first of the hostiles entered Durar and the other battle brothers opened fire on them the explosions not letting the small ones through, but a big one made it though the rain of bolter fire and charged at Durar, Durar unsheathed his power sword and started to fight it, with Durar fighting the big one the other battle brothers were shooting at the hostiles that were getting closer and closer but they were getting smaller and smaller the more they pressed on

In the middle of the fighting Callan said over vox "I got the information Durar we need to leave."

"Okay let's go." Durar said over vox

"Press forward to the entrance." Durar said over vox to the 20 battle brothers

"For the lion." They yelled

As they charged to the entrance they killed many hostiles on there way and as they got out of the chamber the thunderhawk was there to pick them up

"Get on!" Voxed the pilot to Durar

"We're on go go go." Voxed durar to the pilot

As the thunderhawk lifted off shot ringed off the armor of the thunderhawk As they fly off to the fortress monastery getting the information they wanted

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