The Prometheans

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When Durar and the others got back to the fortress monastery, Callan went straight to the scriptory to see what he has found and record it. While Callan was doing that, Durar was going to talk to Ananiel, the librarian

When Durar entered the librarium, he saw Ananiel and walked over to him

"Ananiel, how are you?" Durar said, pating Ananiel pauldron

"I am good. How are you? How was the incursion?" Ananiel said

"I am good, and it went good, and we got information on the ring that we are on Callan is working on it right now." Durar said

"That's good. May I inquire why you have visited me?" Ananiel said, putting a book back

"Yes, I am here to talk about the warp." Durar said

"What do you want to know?" Ananiel asked

"I want to ask if there is a warp here and if it is as chaotic as back home." Durar asked with a concerned look on his face

"Ah well, I have good news to tell you, brother. The warp is very calm, and there is no worry of chaos taint so we can use the warp without fear." Ananiel said

"That's good, but be careful do not overuse the warp. We still need to research why we are here and why the warp is so calm." Durar's expression softened

"Yes, I will. I will make sure to tell the others." Ananiel said, patting Durar's back

"That's good; that's all I wanted to talk about." Durar said, walking away

"Then I will get back to my duties." Ananiel said, grabbing a book

After that, Durar headed to the wall and spotted something in the woods that drew his attention, and he decided to go check it out. As he entered the Forrest Durar felt something off about this forest something werid and he had a feeling he was not alone as he thought that a shot went right past his head it seems that when the Covenant attacked and fled some of them got away and they were hiding in the forest but they were very small in numbers and not much of a threat or so he thought. Durar's autosense picked up something big moving towards him with a big gun attached to its arm and a shield on the other it seemed as though it is a tank but standing 7 foot tall Durar grabbed for his bolt gun and started firing on the hulking beast running at him it was dead in mere moments and as the hulking thing fell the other Covenant troops that were there started to run again, Durar then turned around to head back to the fortress monastery and he needed to talk to the UNSC.

(Sorry this took so long)

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