Chapter 4

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"Uber? For real?" Mubarak says.

"Well am not really sure but I've been thinking about it for a while now. It's only been a week and I'm already super bored. The cherry on top is I have nowhere to go. You don't even need me at the shop anymore." I say.

"Well that's because we have people working for us so we can go do other things. That's the whole point of workers. I also don't hang around much over there, there's rarely anything to do, Yusuf manages everything." He says.

There's silence for a few seconds before I say "just think about it, it's super easy. I get to choose who I drive. And I can use the other car instead of my personal one." I say trying to reason with him.

"Well, you better carry a disinfectant around cox you're gonna be dealing with a lot of germs." He says with a disgust look on his face.

I laugh at that "don't worry, I will doctor! Besides am not gonna be a full time driver, just when I get bored and need some fresh air."

I grab my phone by the bedside table and tap on the Uber app. I switch to driver mode, fill out some questions and wait for approval.

"Where's Amma? I didn't see her when I came in." Mubarak asks.

"She should be done with lunch by now. Let's go meet her". I say

"Great! I didn't get to eat breakfast today, am starving." He says grabbing his cap from the couch.

I put on my flip flops and we walk downstairs to the kitchen where we are instantly welcomed by the scent of  fried chicken. We see Amma moving around the kitchen putting dishes away. We say salaam before walking in. She turns around and her face immediately lights up with a smile, her cute wrinkles showing a bit.

"Wa alaykum salaam, doctor how are you?" She asks Mubarak as he bows to greet her.

They exchange greetings and she looks at the both of us before saying "come eat,I made pasta and chicken."

"Amma when is Kubra coming back? You shouldn't work too much." I say.

"Don't worry, she'll be back in a few days insha Allah. You know her sister got married." She replies and I nod.

"Well if there's anything do let me know okay?" I say giving her a side hug and she pinches my cheek in return with a smile.

"if you're not doing anything afterwards take me to see your sister. She has the flu." She adds.

"I didn't know it got serious. We talked yesterday" I say taking a seat.

"It's not very serious but still, she's my baby and I need to go check on her." She says with a hand on her chest.

"Amma she's a married woman, with a kid and you're calling her a baby." I say and she lightly smacks the back of my head making us laugh.

"Her being married doesn't change the fact that she's my baby. Am gonna go see her even if it means walking there. I made lemon ginger tea for her." She says.

I laugh and say "Amma tamu."

"Allah ya qara lafiya Amma" Mubarak says and we all say Ameen.


I park the car in the driveway and Mubarak gets out first to open the door for Amma. We walk to the door and Amma knocks, Mubarak and I behind her. Because the curtains were open, I catch a glimpse of Faisal kissing Noor's forehead and handing her a hijab before rushing to open the door. I look down with a smile. I love that he takes care of her.

He opens the door and we all walk in saying salaam. Amma rushed to her "baby" that is now sitting on the couch and wraps her in a hug. We sit on the opposite couch where we exchange greetings with Faisal. I look at Noor and she gives me a sly smile before snuggling into Amma even more. I smile, shaking my head before saying "how are you feeling now?" To which she replies "much better now that Amma is here alhamdulillah."

I was about to ask where Nabil was when he crawled into the room. I get up just in time before he bumps into the wall and pick him up and somehow it makes him giggle. I kiss both his cheeks making him giggle even more.

"My turn" Mubarak says before snatching him from my hand and we all laugh.

I sit beside Noor this time, touching her forehead to check her temperature and then giving her a hug.

"You sure you're okay?" I ask and she nods.

"But I don't think it's a good idea to sit near me, you might also get sick." She says with puppy eyes.

"Oh please, I'm strong. Insha Allah I won't" I say and she laughs a little.

After baba died, every responsibility of his was passed on to me. I had to take care of both Amma and Noor, so much that sometimes I forgot to take care of myself. I've always been overprotective of Noor but it doubled, tripled even. I never want to see her in pain and I never want to see a frown on her face.

"Should I get you something to drink?" Faisal asks.

We tell him our options and Mubarak hands me Nabil to go help him. He coos as I take him into my arms, It's crazy how much he looks like baba. The eyes, the smile, even the tiny ears.

"Grow up fast so I can spoil you." I say to him as if he'll understand and Amma laughs.

"For now you can spoil his mom instead, she has been craving shawarma for weeks now." Noor says and I say "oh really?" She nods excitedly like a child.

"Fine, if Nabil says 'buy shawarma for mama' I'll go buy it right now." I say and she looks at me with a 'seriously' face that makes us all laugh including Nabil.

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