Chapter 14

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It has been three days since Zahra and I went to the hair salon and I still haven't been able to talk to her about Jamil. Today we scheduled to study at my place before going to our afternoon class and after a lot of overthinking and pacing around the room, I finally decided that today was the day I would tell her.

Just as I was thinking of what to tell her, my phone rings. It was her.

"Hey" I pick up, fake enthusiasm evident in m in voice.

"Hey gurlll!! I was thinking of bringing some food over, what do you wanna eat?" Her voice chirped.

"Oh you don't have to, I made us some chicken salad and rice." I say.

"You are literally the best person in the world! I'll be there in just a couple of minutes!" She exclaims and I smile.

"See you soon" I say before ending the call.


"I'm definitely taking some of this home! Jamil has to try this." Zahra says before taking another spoon of the rice and chicken salad.

"About that, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about." I say putting my spoon down. I haven't eaten much as I've been contemplating.

"Mmmm what is is?" She says still eating.

"Your brother Jamil hasn't been very nice to me." I blurt out, my heart beating faster than normal.

What if this ruins our friendship? What if she thinks I'm lying? But wait this is Zahra we're talking about, I don't think she'll do that. She trusts me.

"What do you mean?" The sound of her spoon dropping on the plate brings my attention back to her.

"I mean..." I sigh before saying it at once "...ever since I started going to your place for our studies, he has been following me around. Not really following around but...when he sees me walk into the house he follows me and his behavior makes me uncomfortable."

Her eyes darken and a slight frown appears on her face. "What are you saying?" She asks.

"I'm just saying the way he talks to me and his actions towards me makes me uncomfortable and I was hoping you could maybe talk to him about it? I'm sure he's a nice person but..."

"You've got some nerve Hidaya." She interrupts me and the shock of her words leave me speechless.

"You come to MY house and you talk shit about MY brother?" She says raising her voice and I feel my temper rising.

"Look, Zahra. What would I gain by lying? I'm telling you this not for anything but just so you can talk to him as his sister. What he has been doing is not okay." I say.

"Bullshit!" She exclaims getting up and loudly slamming her plate on the table, some rice spilling in the process.

"I know Jamil, he'd never do something like that okay? I don't know what your intentions are know hell with you. And screw this project, I'm done!" She grabs her bag and walks out.

Wow....that was absolutely not what I expected.



"Ziyad I need you to come into the office for some questioning tomorrow by 9am sharp."

I read the message over and over again as I wait in the waiting room that leads to the staff office which is where I assume I will be questioned. What did alhaji mean by questioning? Do they think I did it? Did they find a clue? Did the find Nazif and the rest?

My thoughts get interrupted by a man in a black suit calling me.

"Ziyad?" He says half his body leaning out the door to the staff office.

"Yeah that me." I stand up.

"Please come in." He says and I walk to the office.

I meet four more guys all in black suits. There was a small microphone and some wires connected to a recorder. A camera that was standing behind of the tables on a tripod that I assume is already filming. And then there was Alhaji, standing by the table at the end of the office.

I walk over to him and squat to greet him. He stops me and offers his hand for me to shake and i do so, we exchange greetings.

"Don't worry about anything, they just need you to answer a few questions regarding the incident. Tell them everything you know, anything that will help with the investigation okay?" He says and I nod.

"Insha Allah I will." I say. He pats me on the back before walking out the office with one of the guys in suits.

"Mr Ziyad please have a seat, and feel free. You are not charged with anything as we have nothing that is linked to you so you have nothing to be worried about." The guy beside the camera says.

"Oh I'm not worried one bit..." I sit on the seat provided for me "...the truth always has a way of coming out."


Either the officers were really good at masking the information they have or they have absolutely nothing on Nazif. I tried to pry open their questions and see if they have maybe found something out but I couldn't tell.

I scratch my forehead concentrating on the road when my phone starts ringing. I pick up without looking at the screen.

"Assalam alaykum, go for Ziyad." I put the phone to my ear.

"Wa alaykum salaam, hi it's Hidaya." A calm voice spoke.

"Oh are you?" I find myself clearing my throat.

"Uh I'm good alhamdulillah, hope I'm not bothering?" She asks.

"No, not at all. How can I help you?" I ask adjusting my seatbelt.

"I have a class by 1pm and..." she goes silent.

"Okay no problem, I'll be there to pick you up by..." I look at my watch and it read 10:30am "...12pm, does that sound good?" I say.

"Yes, absolutely. I'll be ready by then insha Allah." She says.

"Sure. Until then." I say before she hangs up.

There's just something about that voice that calms me. What was I worried about before the phone call again?

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