Chapter 4 Part 6- Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Can Truly Kill

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"A body has been discovered!" Ressa said over the announcement. I immediately sat up in my bed, looking to the monitor with fear in my eyes. "Jeez... that really did wake you guys up huh? Maybe I should do that more often! Your fearful eyes are HILARIOUS!!!" Ressa laughed. "Well, it's 7 AM, and I want you to actually create a body  discovery announcement so HURRY UP!!!" The monitor shut off.

I felt sweat roll down my cheeks. I calmed my breaths, sitting on the edge of the bed with a sigh. That had given me a heart attack. Why did that stuffed animal always have to send us into a fearful spiral?

I got up from my bed, and took a quick shower before getting changed. I began to put on my shoes, and grabbed my glasses. I paused for a moment, walking over to the desk in my room. It had been so long since I'd last studied. Which, wasn't like me.

I remember sitting at my desk for hours, memorizing tedious formulas and reading countless articles. Then getting paid to help kids and other teenagers learn different things. And it was so scary. Worrying if they'd attack me at any split second. But it was... very nice. Finally gaining praise from someone outside of my family.

I stared at the desk, opening before looking through some of the books. I already knew what was on every page. But it was nice to revisit something like this. I opened the drawer, looking inside.

I paused for a moment. Wait... what was this? This was different than last time. Everything was supposed to be the same... so why is it missing? Where did my fountain pen go? The one my father had given me.

It was the only thing I had from my father in this situation. It was my favorite present from him because it was special to him. And my father was special to me. I would die if I lost it! I couldn't lose that fountain pen.

Nervously, I closed it, walking away. A horrible feeling came over me. Did I really lose it? How did I do that? I wouldn't have misplaced it. It was to important. I paused. Did... someone take it? I shook my head, forcing myself to leave the room. I was just going to head to breakfast, and everything would be alright. I didn't want to think about it right now.

I wandered over to the dining room, opening the doors. Everyone was already there, except for Taguchi and Yamazaki. The room didn't seem
to be filled with tension, the only thing keeping the room of people from attacking each other was Sugai's antics. I walked inside, and sat down.

"Alright everyone!" Otani said, walking out of the kitchen with a tray with a bunch of plates on it. Each of them having a waffle on them. He placed it in the center of the table.

"Well, since no one else will ever want a waffle, I will sacrifice myself by eating every single one of them!" Sugai said dramatically, grabbing the tray. He paused for a moment, before looking to Kajiwara, almost confused. "... aren't you going to stop me..?"

"If I stop you, you'll just do it again. I don't think that's very constructive." Kajiwara replied. Sugai glared at him for a moment, almost disgusted and unable to comprehend what Kajiwara had just said. Suddenly, the tray was ripped out of his hands.

"He won't, but I will!" Imamura responded, holding the tray away from Sugai.

"Hey! Give that back!" Sugai demanded. He reached for the tray, but he was to short to do it. Imamura had a triumphant smile on her face, as she looked at Sugai with a sly smirk. Sugai looked to Kajiwara expectantly. But Kajiwara didn't react.

"Um, h- how about everyone just g- gets one..?" Arima asked.

"Yeah, I think that would be the best idea." Otani replied.

"UGH! Whatever..." Sugai said, sitting down in his chair, folding his arms and angrily looking away. Imamura began to pass out the waffles to everyone at the table. And suddenly, someone else walked into the room.

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