Chapter 15

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*✩ Anchorage, Alaska

❀ Noelle's POV

I step out of the car and Jen and Phyllis loop their arms through mine on both sides, so I'm sandwiched between them.

"Oh, and did I forget to say that you look absolutely fabulous tonight?" Phyllis says to me with a grin.

"Right?" Jen chuckles. "You're lucky I'm straight".

I laugh. I was wearing a black mid-thigh length dress with spaghetti straps and my hair was up in a neat bun. No jewelry... just the bracelet my dad got me when I turned thirteen.

The cousins however really took this club business seriously because I was certainly underdressed. They let me go and we stroll to join the entrance line.

"By the way, where's Paul? He let you out on your own for once without a leash?" Jen teases her cousin.

Phyllis laughs and nudges Jen's bare shoulder lightly.

"Oh, stop it. He has a ton of work that he has to get done before the night is over. And besides he has every right to worry when I'm out with you".

I chuckle.

"ID?" the security man asks.

I get mine out of my purse to have it inspected.

"Noelle, you're going to love it here!"Jen claps excitedly.

"Here you go miss" the man says and hands my card back to me.

We walk in and our voices are drowned out by the loud music in the club. It was dark, but there were neon flashing lights that provided a bit of a visual view of all the people on the dance floor.

"You said Glay would meet us here?!" I ask over the loud music.

"Yes! Now come on, if she is here she should be where the drinks are!" Phyllis takes my hand and pulls me in the direction Jen was already heading.

It was a little quieter in the bar section, but the music could still be heard.

"It's on you tonight since you suggested this" Jen says to her cousin.

"Fine, but don't get too spoiled" Phyllis warns playfully.

Jen giggles and sits on the bar stool. I follow suit and so does Phyllis.

"Oh, Robbie isn't here today" Jen pouts.

Oh, so they are regulars.

"Will you just order already" Phyllis laughs.

"Can I get a margarita, please?" Jen asks the attractive bartender, smiling at him sweetly.

He smiles at her before nodding and turning to Phyllis.

"Anything with vodka in it" she requests.

Then he turns to me.

"And you, Miss?".

I scratch my cheek.


Jen and Phyllis stop giggling over God knows what and turn to me.

"You do realize this is a bar, right?" Phyllis asks.

"Well yeah, but it's necessary to be hydrated first before you start drinking".

Phyllis chuckles and Jen narrows her eyes at me.

"Are you a doctor or something?" she asks.

"No, Jen I... I just know things".

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