Chapter 17

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❀ Noelle's POV

“Aaaaaannddd that's the last cup of coffee!” Maggie cheers.

I chuckle at her excitement.

“We've never sold out before” she grins.

My phone dings with a text and I pull it out of my back pocket.

Shit, the party!

I look around and see Ellie.

“Hey, Elle!” I wave to her.

She eyes me.

“Mind if I leave early?”

“It's your first day.”

“I know, and it'll be my last time ever asking to leave early.”

She frowns.

“No, you can't leave.”

“Oh c'mon. We've sold out every last cup of coffee and all the desserts.”

“No. You're staying until your shift is over.”

“Ellie please. I need to...”

“No” she cuts me off.

I sigh.

“Okay” I say.

“Good. Now get back to work” she says firmly and turns to walk away.

“Oh c'mon, please, Ellie? I promise, I won't ask to leave early again.”

“What's going on?” Sally asks.

We turn to face her.

“Nothing, Mrs. Trent. Noelle here was going back to work.”

“But we already sold out” I pout at Sally.

“Noelle, I'm sorry but you can't leave until your shi... wait, did you just say we sold out?!” she asks.

“Every last drop of coffee” Maggie smiles from the counter.

“And dessert” Brian adds, gesturing to the dessert case.

Sally hurries to the cash register and her eyes widen.

“We've made our busiest week's sale in a day?!” she shrieks.

“I can't believe it but Noelle's coffee was selling like hot cake” Brian chuckles.

Ellie just frowns.

“Well if you're all done showering the new girl with praises then get back to work!” she orders.

“But there's nothing to...”

“I said get back to work” she cuts Maggie off.

“Sally, I need to leave early... like right now” I whisper to her.

“Noelle you...”

“I know, I know but it's really urgent and...”

“Did you not hear me say no to you?” Ellie cuts in. “Forgive me Mrs. Trent but your friend is...”

“Hey!” I cut her off. “Just because I need to leave early doesn't mean I'm lazy or I want to cut corners. I told you it's urgent so I...”

“Did someone die?”

I furrow my brow.

“What? No, of course not.”

“Is someone going to die?” she asks again.

“No. But you might if you don't stop asking me about death.”

“Did you hear that, Mrs. Trent? This woman has been verbally abusive since she got here.”

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