chapter 16~ aunt's

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I was woken up by loud noises.

I get dressed, go downstairs, and see random people who I have never seen before.

"Amm hi"

"Oh my goodness," the girl says. She could be a little younger, maybe.

There are lots of people. I don't want to look or sound dramatic, but I don't feel comfortable here.

My hands were getting wet from the sweat, and my head started to hurt. Everyone was coming for a hug, and that made me uncomfortable.

I ran out of the room, but kids probably around the age of 13 started to run after me, thinking I was playing games or something.

As I run, I feel hands on my waist and am dragged into the room. I look at the person who dragged me here.

It's Kenji

"Why are you running?"

"There were lots of people I had never seen before; they were loud and started to hug me. I got scared." I quickly explained and felt his hands leave me.

"Okay, hold on," he says, starting to text someone, and a few minutes later Owen and Henry came.

"What's wrong?" Owen asks.

"I'm not really a people person," I tell him.

"Okay, come with me." He starts to walk, and I walk behind him. I'm practically hiding behind me. That's how big he is compared to me.

"Everyone" Owen tries to get everyone's attention, and when he does, he continues to speak.

"Moment early, y'all saw 'her', and for the record, she's new to all of this, so be patient, no physical touch, and keep kids quiet." Owen warns

"Sounded rude; won't they hate you?"

Woen laughs and says, "They've hated me for years now; don't worry, I would let anyone make my sister uncomfortable, even if it's a family."

"Thank you, Owen." I smile

"Sorry about earlier; I'm you, Auntie Eliza, and those are my kids." She shows me one of the kids who were chasing me and one who looks older.

"Hi, I'm Azalea; it's nice to meet you."

"You have a wonderful smile."

"Thank you." I don't know how to take a compliment.

When I was in Russia, compared to others, I'm very tanned, and people there are paper pale.

I look very different; 90% of them were all blonde with blue eyes, and then there's me, and my Heterochromia did help me a bit. I was always weird, and even though I do have a button nose, it doesn't look like a Russian one; it's different.

My black hair and two different-colored eyes always made me the weird one, but now that I'm getting compliments about them, it feels weird.

"Hi," another girl who looks the same age says.

"Hi, I'm Azalea."

"We know; Dorian told us about the ball."

"Will you also be attending it?" I question.

"Not the Big one, but we will do the second one with all the family."

"Oh okay"

"But we're going to have to find dresses; wanna come with us?" they offer.

"Yes, I would love to." Thank god they offered, I'm not sure what kind of people I was supposed to expect them to be, but at least they aren't mean or rude.

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