chapter 26~ flowers

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I woke up, and I feel like dying; my head hurts and my throat is dry.

"Hey, are you okay?" I hear someone say.

"Here," he gave me a glass of water, and I drank it in one go.

"What's going on?" I ask. I have some stuff going on in my hand.

"Are you okay?" Henry asks.

"I'm fine"

"Azalea, you were drugged, and you passed out." Was I drugged?

"How long"

"Two days"

"Are you hungry?" Owen asks.

"No, not really." I give him a sad smile.

"Who was I drugged by?"

"That's what we want to find out; Dorian is working on it."

"Hey, there's some stuff that you said while you were on drugs, and we saw it," Theo said, but in his serious tone, what does he mean by it? What did they see?

"Saw what?" I ask.

"The back," and I freeze.


"Is there something you want to tell us?"

I'm scared. Oh my god, what will they think of me?

"Is she awake?" Dorian walks in.

"Yes, she did, and she's stable," Liam said and left.

"Azalea, I gave you multiple chances to explain yourself, but you still chose not to." It's my first time seeing Dorian like this; he looks worried and disappointed at the same time.

"What do you mean?"

"Your back, Azalea, and your scars, and what you said a few days ago about photos?" What the hell did I say?

He takes a deep breath, and everyone leaves. What the hell?

Everyone leaves, and Dorion comes close to me. Take a seat.

"We know there's something going on, and we don't want to make false assumptions. You know who we are, and we want to know the same about you."

"If anyone dared to harm one I love, they won't have a happy ending in this lifetime. Don't you want to take your revenge?" he asks.

"But I can't." I feel that my eyes are now glossy from tears. "I don't have any power to take it; you guys are strong and all, but then there's me; I'm useless."

He comes closer and hugs me; my tears fall on his shoulders. Seconds later, he realizes what he did and starts to pull out, "I'm sorry."

"No." I don't let him go and hug him little while

When we pulled out of the hug, he looked at me and wiped my tears.

"Are you okay?" he asks, and I nod.

"I guess you're right; it's unfair of me to hide things from you guys."

"When are you planning on telling them?"

"Now maybe"

"You sure"

"Yeah, I think if I don't do it now, I won't say it like ever."

Few minutes later, everyone came in, except Kenji.

I don't know what, but that made me feel some kind of way sad, maybe a little sad.

"Okay, I'm going to tell y'all something; it's about my scars, and you know stuff I was saying about flashlights."

They don't say anything. I told them how my uncle would take me to his 'friends' who liked little kids and would make me their doll for some time, which for me felt like forever.

I didn't cry this time, but I saw Owen rolling his eyes up to prevent tears from dropping as he walked out.

Dorian looks okay, and so does Henry.

"So yeah, that's it for today, guess."

"There's more," Henry asks, and I nod.

After a while, Kenji knocks, and I tell him to come in.

"How are you?" he asks.

"I'm fine"

"Are you not cold?" he asks, and I just now realized that I'm wearing only that back top.

"No, I'm fine." I shift my eyes to my hands. I did say anything and started at scars.

They look disgusting.

He walks closer, but still doesn't look at him.

"That one looks like a flower," he said about the scar. I have my eye on

"It doesn't" I shake my head.

He takes something, which a few seconds later turns out to be a pen.

"Can I?" he asks, and I nod.

He started to draw on my scar an outline of a flower.

"Well yeah, now it looks like," I admit.

"I told you so," he smiles.

He continued to compare them to random things and started to draw on them.



It was mostly flowers, and it made me less disgusted by them.

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