Chapter 3: Fireflies

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A servant's forced me to bathe and has groomed me in all ways possible for my first night with Zacan. Just the thought makes me want to vomit. In the past, I used to imagine Des and I discovering we were fated mates when we came of age and running away together. He'd bite and claim me, then we'd have our own family, far away from this evil place. But that was just a dream, an impossible fairytale.

If Des was my fated mate, he's long dead, and if it's someone else, he'll never want an impure omega like me. Alphas want their omegas untouched, and certainly not with the baggage of a child.

I've accepted it. I don't need alphas, anyway. In fact, I hate them. So much. All I need is my Oliver. But of course, Zacan has to ruin even that. He has to pit himself between us, force me to be his mate, even though we are not fated.

Maybe people would tell me this is the best I'm ever going to get. It's a sad thought.

When Zacan comes into the room, I try to act like I'm asleep. It's a slim chance, but maybe he won't try anything.

But then I feel the bed dip, a cold, callused hand closing over my bare thigh. I flinch, a shiver rolling down my spine. Definitely not the good kind. And now I've revealed that I'm awake.

"You smell amazing," he murmurs, shoving his face into my neck and breathing in deeply. My stomach churns in nausea, hating every second of his touch. But I need to do this for Oliver. If I don't please Zacan, he'll throw me out and I'll never see my baby again. I couldn't bare that.

But then his hand slips under my waistband and I can't breathe. My chest tightens up, terror washing over me and suddenly it's like I've traveled back in time. All I can see is his huge figure looming over the younger me, pressing a hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming as he took what he wanted. No one was there to stop him. No one would have, anyway.

I rip myself from his grip, scrambling towards the edge of the bed. In seconds he's on me, snatching my ankle and pulling me back toward him. "Oh no you don't," he growls, grasping a fistful of my curls and yanking my head back. I cry out in pain, scratching at him in an effort to make him let go, but he doesn't.

"Don't be a prude now. I know what a little whore you are, omega," his prickly beard scratches against my ear. "You let the other alphas do whatever they want to you,"

"That has never been my own choice!" I exclaim as he flips me over, pinning me to the bed under his immense weight. His hands are wrapped so hard around my wrists I'm sure there will be deep bruises on them tomorrow.

"But I'm better than a whole group of alphas, aren't I? Or do you want me to bring a few friends like you're used to," His expression is devious, like he's enjoying this. Enjoying how I shake beneath him, scared out of my mind.

"I hate you," I tell him, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "I wish you'd just leave me and Oliver alone,"

"Awe, poor you," he says mockingly, caressing my face in faux sympathy. "But how can I, when you cry so prettily? It really turns me on,"

I fight. I try so hard to get away, but he's just too big and too strong. He holds me down, forcing me to take it and all I can do is close my eyes, trying to tune my brain out. I'm used to this. It's just what alphas are like. They use and abuse, and we omegas just have to endure. There's no way out. He has every advantage here, physically. No matter what I do, he'll win in the end. Alphas always do.

As he fulfills his desires, I try to go to a happy place to block out the pain. I think of sunny days, daisies blowing in a field, memories of Wes when we used to sneak out to the lake by moonlight. I think of Oliver's smile as he plays with the other pups.

Most of all, I pray to the Moon Goddess that this will be over soon.


I sit with Oliver in his room, which feels much too giant and lonely for a pup. There is no decoration or toys in sight. My heart aches for him, thinking of him trying to sleep in this dreary room all alone. I still haven't been able to convince Zacan to let Oliver stay with me at night.

"Mama?" Oliver looks up from the book he's been reading. "Why is Alpha Zacan my dad now? I thought Des was,"

The dreaded question. One I'm not sure I can answer. "It's... complicated. I guess I just wished Des was your father, but he wasn't,"

Oliver thinks for a moment, before looking back to his book. "I don't like my new dad. He's scary,"

I couldn't agree more.

As Oliver continues reading, I notice that he winces every time he adjusts his position. My chest tightens, hoping it's not what I think it is.

"Are you hurt, baby?" I ask.

Oliver avoids eye contact, pretending to be deeply absorbed in the book. That confirms it. He's favoring his right side, avoiding putting any pressure on it.

"Oliver. Lift up your shirt." I demand.

Reluctantly, he puts the book down and does as I say. My heart drops when he lifts the fabric, exposing the huge bruised welt up the right side of his rib cage. It's red in the center and yellowing on the outsides, indicating just how much force was dealt into the blow.

I see red. "Who did this?!" I ask in rage, although I already know the answer.

"Alpha Zacan said I was being 'disobedient,'" he confesses, lip trembling as he starts to cry.

I hug him close, careful not to irritate the wound. "I'm so sorry, Oli. I should've protected you,"

I cradle him in my arms for the longest time, sorrow overcoming me when I think of how Oliver tried to hide it from me. Who knows what abuse he'll hide in the future if things stay like this.

Which is why we need to escape.


I spoil Zacan tonight. I let him do all the vile things he wants to me in bed with less of a fight than usual. It's all to avoid suspicion, although it makes me sick to my stomach. The whole time I fantasize about him getting his dick cut off.

Once Zacan is satisfied, he lays back on the pillows, closing his eyes.

"Shall I bring you some tea?" I ask him sweetly, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

He smiles and accepts the offer. "It's nice to see you finally treating me how an omega should their alpha,"

I roll my eyes when my back is turned, heading to the door to fetch the tea that I'm going to infuse with mushroom wort. It'll knock him out for a few hours, giving me the perfect window to carry out my plans.


Once Zacan is out cold, I pack a bag before getting Oliver from his room. Then we tiptoe around the halls, which I try my best to navigate through memory. There should be an exit around here somewhere.

But just as I spot said exit door a hand clamps down on my shoulder. "Alpha Zacan's omega. What do you think you're doing?" a cold voice comes from behind us.

I turn to see one of the alpha guards, a stern expression on his face as he regards us. Shit. What do I do now?

"M-Mama's taking me to see the fireflies. They only come out at night!" Oliver chirps up.

The alpha raises as eyebrow in disapproval. "Oh come on," I tell him, quickly adding on to Oliver's story, "my mate obviously approved of this, otherwise he wouldn't have let me leave our room. Would you be so kind and escort us? We're just going to the field near the lake,"

There is no way he'll let us go alone, and asking him to come with is a way to avoid suspicion. It makes it seem like we really only want to see the fireflies.

I'll have to find some way to get rid of him.

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