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Chapter 46

Soon they reached the final round. Jiang Tang’s family is still in the lead.

The mission this time is you draw, I guess. One of the family members will come to draw pictures, and the other family members will write the corresponding answers. Each person has three opportunities for each question. Failure to answer three times is considered a loss.

Just as Jiang Tang was thinking about who to draw, Lin Suizhuo stepped up: “I’ll do it.”

Jiang Tang looked at him in doubt: “You?”

“Don’t believe me?”

She Seized him up. Lin Suizhuo is not Mr. Xia. Just a glance, she could tell that he had no artistic talent. But since he insisted, she couldn’t say no.

“Okay, you do it then.”

Jiang Tang and the two children sat across from him.

There are a total of five questions. Lin Suizhuo glanced at the card, picked up a black marker, and began to draw on the whiteboard.

First, he drew a circle, then casually added a few strokes, and soon a drawing of a stickman seemed to appear.

Jiang Tang frowned: “A person?”

Lin Suizhou shook his head and drew a circle on top of the stickman’s head. Jiang Tang barely recognized that it was the sun.

She scratched her head: “A person….a person who is basking in the sun?”

He glanced over and there was an obvious indication in his eyes saying she is so dumb. He then added a clock next to it pointing to seven o’clock.

At the moment, other teams were coming, she scratched her head anxiously: “A person….going to work?”

“Wrong answer, mother used up all the chances.”

After giving Jiang Tang a sidelong glance, Lin Suizhou pointed to Liangshen: “Your turn.”

Liangshen’s eyes lit up and as he was about to open his mouth to answer, his father cut him off: “Forget it, let have Qian Qiann guess it.”

Liangshen: ???

Liangqian answered in her glutinous voice: “Eat breakfast.”

Lin Suizhou smiled gently, and gave his daughter a praising look: “Qian Qian is really smart.”

Jiang Tang: “…..”

Jiang Tang: “……….”

Eat…eat breakfast?

She suddenly raised her hand to interrupt Lin Suizhou, who was about to start the second question. She pointed to the drawing and said: “Tell me, where is the breakfast?”

Lin Suizhou pointed at the little person and gave a sharp glance: “This is a primary school student with a red scarf on his chest. It’s the sun, which means he just got up and got ready to go to school. Of course, he has to eat breakfast before going to school.”


She widened her eyes, and it took her a long time to recognize that the black thing on the stickman’s chest was a red scarf?

Does it even look like a f**king red scarf!

“In order to make you understand, I specially added a clock, but you still could not guess it right.”


It would be a miracle if she could guess it right!

Hearing the low snickers of parents around her, Jiang Tang’s heart was inexplicably tired. She originally thought that this scenario only appeared on TV, but did not expect to witness it herself today….