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Chapter 63

“Our tent is over there.”

Xia Huairun pointed in another different direction, Jiang Tang was silent again,

Not far from their tent, a black circular tent stood under the blue sky, very eye-catching.

Jiang Tang walked in silent and went to fetch things from the car. Xia Huairun also carried two bags in his hands. When he passing by Lin Suzhou, he stopped and smiled gently at him: “President Lin, long time no see.”

Lin Suizhou had his hands in his pocket and his expression was cold and indifferent. 

“President Lin seems to have not slept well. You should have a good rest when you are old.” After that Xia Huairun patted Lin Suizhou’s shoulder and walked to his tent behind them.

This sentence simply stabbed Lin Suizhou’s heart. 

He gave Xia Huiarun a death stare, and his face as if has been soaked in ancient vinegar, sour beyond word. 

Lin Suizhou suppressed his temper: “Why is he here?”

Jiang Tang said: “He came with Luo Luo.”

“Luo Luo?” Lin Suizhou frowned, with no impression.

Jiang Tang raised her eyes: “His niece.”

He remembered now. 

Jiang Tang found a clean grass area and spread the tablecloth, and laid out the cooked food one by one. Lin Suizhou didn’t know he could help and watched on the side.

All of sudden, a little girl in sky blue sportswear appeared in front of him.

Lin Suizhou lowered his eyes and met with a pair of bright eyes. 

Most of the time, Xia Luo only interacted with gentle Xia Huairun, and this is the first time seeing such a fierce uncle. She was a little scared, blinked her eyes timidly, and handed over the thing in her hands: “My…my Uncle gave this to you.”

It was a bottle of honey.

Lin Suizhou received it and saw there was a sticky note on the side of the bottle. He unfolded the paper and read it. It said – [A sure cure for constipation.]





“I don’t need it, leave to you Uncle.” Lin Suizhou crumpled the note and returned the bottle to her. 

Xia Luo bit her lips and lifted her eyes cautiously: “Uncle…just take it.”

He slightly raised his voice immediately frightened Xia Luo, looking startled and burst into tears in the next second. 

Xia Luo’s cries caught Jiang Tang’s attention. She got up and pushed Lin Suizhou aside, giving him a glare: “Why are you so fierce to a little child?”

Lin Suizhou snorted coldly and went into the tent.

“Luo Luo, good girl don’t cry. That Uncle’s brain is not very good.” Jiang Tang took out a tissue and wiped the tears on her face, then took the honey bottle from her: “I already took the thing, Luo Luo, don’t cry no more.”

Xiao Luo sobbed and said in tearful eyes: “ That Uncle is so fierce…..”

Jiang Tang tried to explain to her: “His personality is fierce like that, you don’t be afraid.”