Chapter 3- Sweeter than Fiction

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      (You can choose which outfit you want her to wear)

Jennifer's POV

 "I'm so happy you're here! I've missed you so much!" Caitlin exclaimed.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm here then," I replied. I got Caitlin to set me down and I hugged Gabbie, Monika, McKenna, and Kate before being introduced to the new freshman.

"What's up with the heeled boots?" Gabbie asked me

"I might be considered tall when I'm at school, but when you hang out with basketball players or date one you have to be wearing some sort of heel so your not super short." I replied.

They all laughed because they knew it was true. They were all taller then me even Gabbie. We walked inside the residence hall and I chatted with the Taylor, Hannah, and Jada. They were surprised to find out that I was only a senior in high school and that me and Caitlin had been dating for almost 3 years now. I put my stuff for the weekend in Caitlin's room and then we where off to get lunch. Union Station was the final decision because we could order a couple of  pizzas and everyone could share. 

We got our pizzas and then Kate asked me, "When is your Homecoming?"

"Next weekend," I responded.

"Do you have your dress already then?" Monika asked.

"Yes, do you want to see it?" I asked.

"Yes!" "Of course!" Totally!" were the responses form all the girls. I pulled out my phone and pulled up a picture.  

(The dress)

"So if you have a dress does that mean you also have a date?" Taylor asked me

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"So if you have a dress does that mean you also have a date?" Taylor asked me.

I laughed, "No, my friends and I always go in a singles group together, because as they say 'We don't need no man' and they say that throughout the night when someone walks up to them and asks  one of them to dance. Even though in the end they all go home with someone for the night."

Caitlin's POV

Once Taylor asked the question if Jennifer had a dance to homecoming I started to actually listen to their conversation. 

"Has anyone asked you to go with them yet?" Hannah asked Jennifer.

"Of course who do you think I am? Colin has a tally of how many boys I can turn down before Homecoming. Right now I think the total is 23." Jennifer told Hannah. Everyone started laughing at that. I had a pit starting to grow in the pit of my stomach. People were asking her to Homecoming? That meant that at past dances people were asking her to them too. I was always insecure about our relationship. Jennifer was 2 and a half hours away from me. We didn't see each other daily, we lived completely different lives. 

All of a sudden Jennifer's phone started to ring. It said BFFL💙. She immediately answered it and put it on mute. Her smile grew as she listen to whoever was speaking on the other end. It was about 5 minutes before she took it off mute and spoke to the person the other end.

"I am so proud of you! You finally cut the final ties of the person has been terrible to you for the past year. And before you ask yes my flight is already booked for the weekend of October 14-16. Ok I'll see you then. Love you bye!" Jennifer told the person on the other side of the phone. When se saw the puzzled faces she explained. "That was Paige, my best friend, I was getting her to break up with her current partner. We had a deal that if she broke up with them then I would fly out to see her."

"Where does she live?" McKenna asked.

"Connecticut," Jennifer casually states.

"How did you meet her if she lives in Connecticut?" Jada questioned.

"Oh! She goes to college up there. I met her through Caitlin though," Jennifer responded.

"What college does she go to then?" Gabbie asked. 

"UCONN," was my answer.

Monika was the on who finally put it together, "Your best friend is Paige Bueckers?"

"Yeah," Jennifer responded. The table exploded. Everyone shot question after question at Jennifer and me. "Everyone calm down," Jennifer said.

"Paige and I have known each other for years and Jennifer was always hanging out with Colin so it was natural that they met," I told them. Everyone calmed down and we went back to a normal conversation. Once we finished lunch we headed back to the dorms so we could change into our outfits for going downtown and seeing Hawkeye fans. The bus picked us up and our coaches were on the bus already and they all hopped up to hug Jennifer. She had came up in the past for these things and had already met them.

Once the bus pulled up to the outdoor basketball court we were using for the event the fans started cheering really loudly. We hopped out and the cheers exploded. 

Jennifer's POV

The girls and coaches got off the bus and I waited about 5 minutes before I got off. I didn't want anyone to see me getting off the bus so once their attention was drawn to the coaches and team I got off. They did their introduction and everyone wanted autographs so they went off to do that and the freshman came and found me because no really wanted their autographs because they were the new girls who they didn't know. 

"Do you want an autograph?" Taylor jokingly asked me.

"Of course! Who do think I am not to get an autograph from the one and only Taylor McCabe?" I laughed. I stood talking to the freshman and watched Reggie Bush and Matt Leinart challenge Caitlin to a 3-pointer competition and have her win. The freshman left me to take pictures with the team and shoot some hoops. I talked to some Hawkeye fans about the upcoming season until it was time to go. Everyone piled back on the bus and we went back to the dorms. 

We Are- Caitlin Clark(ON HOLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن