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Ashley's POV
I have gotten better, at least that's how I feel ever since I decided to focus on the finer things in life

"You're doing great" Jake praised from the passenger seat. He is currently in my car helping me with exposure therapy, I'm driving home from the nearest town and so far my anxiety has been at bay

"Time flies huh?" I smile while focusing on the road

"Yeah." He smiled back "hey I've been thinking.."

"Hold that thought" I cut him off "can we exchange, I'm kind of tired and I don't wanna risk an accident" I joked. One thing I've come to love about hanging out with Jake is he's made me accept life as it comes and just not be so tense about talking about trauma. I'm not filling comfortable with sharing it with other people but I can joke about it with him

I parked at the side of the road and we switched seats "anyway as I was saying" he started as we continued our way home "I've been thinking, since you've gotten better right? Why don't you talk to our friends about it?" He gave me a look for a brief second before staring back at the road

I remained silent. I liked how things were at the moment, was it necessary. He noticed my sudden change in demeanor, he reached for my hand "what do you think? You don't have to decide now" he said playing with my fingers

I looked at our hands in thought and smiled at how patient and comforting he has been " I'll think about it"

"Promise?" He asked giving my hand a small squeeze. I nodded with a smile "Also, I need you to start talking to Aiden again" he used his peripheral vision to spot my reaction

My face remained neutral "I'll think about it"

We got home an hour later and did a bit of school work.

It's getting to the end of the year, everyone's preparing for the exams in a few months

Jake was studying more which he always does every end of the year but this time he put more effort seeing as how he was graduating this year

"Wanna watch a movie?" He smiled closing his book.

I looked up from my book and looked at him at my study table

"Sure" I smiled closing my books and put them on my nightstand

He walked to my bed with my laptop and switched it on after getting comfortable next to me

"I'll ran down and get some snacks" i said and ran out the room

When I returned, he had changed into his shorts and a vest "hey how come we rarely hang out by yours?" I asked setting the snacks in between us

He shrugged "it's too big and smells empty. What movie do you wanna watch"

"I don't know any comedy" I said without thinking

"We always watch those, how about a steamy movie if you know what I mean" he wiggled his brows suggestively

I knew he was only trying to get me to shy away so I accepted the challenge "change is good once in a while" I shrugged

He raised his brows "fine, who ever feels horny first loses" he smirked

"You won't know if I am" I laughed

"Oh I will" we shook on it. He looked up movies while I headed to the bathroom and changed into something comfortable. I wore a big tee that reached mid thigh with nothing but my lace panties underneath.

REMINISCENT Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora