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Ashley's POV
Today has been one of the best days I've had since I stopped therapy, and of course ever since the nightmares started again

"hey Ashley what do you want to eat for dinner?" mom asked sticking her head out of the kitchen

"anything mom, I'll be outside if you need me" I told her then walked out

"okay" she shouted her response

I laid on our bed swing outside, I looked up at the stars just thinking back on what happened after dance class

Flash back:
I stopped dancing immediately the song stopped.

My eyes were closed, my back was facing the large mirror where Alicia was probably fast asleep by now.

My head was spinning with a million thoughts but of course only one spoke louder than the rest...


I thought about him, tears threatening to run down my cheeks but only one traitorous tear managed to escape

"wow..." someone whispered and if not for the practically empty room I wouldn't have heard it". I slowly opened my eyes to face the intruder

I don't even know who I was expecting... maybe mrs J to double check if I locked like I said I would. Aiden!  My heart jumped when I saw him

I quickly wiped away the stray tear before he saw it "Aiden... What are you doing here?" I questioned in the calmest voice I could master

"uhh n-nothing..." he started with a stammer "no wait I came to pick up Alicia " he said taking a step towards me

"oh right, you took long I was beginning to think no one was coming" I said turning to go pick her up

"yeah sorry, I kinda got distracted " he said following me close behind

"it's okay I would have dropped her off home anyway" I replied while gently picking her up

"thanks" he said with a sheepish smile, scratching the back of his head when I turned to face him

"no problem" I replied nonchalantly and passed by him then walked out the hall

"how were you going to drop her off anyway? Last time I checked you don't move with a car and you don't know my address since you've never attended any party Jake has thrown" he asked when he caught up to me

'Of course Jake throws parties by Aiden's ' I thought with an eye roll

I stopped dead in my tracks without turning to face him "move" I said simply

"what?" he responded confused

"I wanna close up?" I turned to face him with a raised eyebrow

"oh..right" he replied taking Alicia away from my hold. I closed up then we walked out the building silently even as I locked the main entrance doors

"I don't have a car" I lied breaking the silence

"oh" was his response when he unlocked his car

"but I would have still dropped her" I explained helping him with the door

"how?" he turned when he placed Alicia and shut the door

"walking?" I replied questionably

"wow, isn't that dangerous at such an hour?" he smirked tucking his hands in his pockets

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