Chapter 2.2 - The Discovery (Part 2) V2.1

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Chapter 2.2 - The Discovery (Part 2) V2.1

Five months later Scott, Mynah, and their new partner Mick Jones were working another long day in the lab. They had a dual track of simultaneously testing the nuts and bolts of the technology and prototype development. This wasn't the traditional way to field a new technology, but Fleet insisted on fast-tracking the vital artificial gravity system. Doctor Scott spent the majority of his efforts verifying the results and developing operating manuals for the new system. Mynah assisted her friend as required but found herself deeply involved with helping Mick get the Fleet standard prototype ready for mass production by General Atomics in San Diego.

"Okay Mynah, I'm all set here. Let's check those power-to-g field temperature specifications one more time. We'll go 0 to 110% power okay?"

Mynah checked her console one more time. "Ready here Mick. On my mark. Three, two, one, mark!"

The test run proceeded as planned. As the power level hit maximum Mynah said confidently, "okay Mick, 110% holding steady. 12.3g, 88 Amps."

Mick checked the instruments at his station. "Looks good. 66 degrees and heat flow of less than one thousand Joules per second, call it a thousand Watts. If I get the plumbing right on this, we should be able to use this waste energy to heat the entire ship. Definitely a win-win."

From her station, Mynah answered tiredly. "Still steady Mick, no feedback."

"Okay, let's run the unit at 100% for three more hours."

"Set." Came the response from the dark-haired engineer.

Scott entered the room from the other lab. He stood behind Mynah and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. She did not object to his touch.

"Looks good to me. Any issues with the prototype?"

Mynah smiled as she answered. "Everything is nominal, in fact, better than nominal. Mick is an amazing engineer. These last few weeks I have been watching him work. I think that there is probably nothing he can't fix or fabricate!"

"Great, he's definitely an asset to our team. Do you think he can handle it by himself for a few days?"

Mynah locked her light green eyes to Robert's. She gave him an uncharacteristically seductive smile. "Yeah, sure. What's up?"

Robert winked. "I'll fill you in later, it's all classified. We might have to make a little trip to settle a few technical conventions with one of my old friends in Zurich."

Mynah just nodded. "Okay, I'm in..."

Doctor Scott stepped over to Mick's station. "Mynah tells me that everything looks good here Mister Jones?"

Mick smiled broadly. "Indeed it is sir, one more test tomorrow and with your approval, I'll send the specs to HQ and with any luck, we should be off to GA for manufacturing within a week or two."

"Excellent, that should get Goldberg off my ass!"

Mick just shook his head and kept his opinion of his superior officer to himself.

Robert surveyed the results of the last two test runs on the main screen and asked. "Mick, what's the average heat energy flow from each panel?"

Mick checked his instruments and answered confidently. "Looks like sixty thousand Joules over the last minute at 100% rated power. Mynah and I figured it's about one thousand Watts equivalent at max planned power level."

Doctor Scott thought for a second and then asked the talented young Fleet officer. "Can your thermoelectric radiators handle that much flow?"

"You bet, way more than that. But we shouldn't ever run that high of a g field anyway..."

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