Chapter 3.1 - 2168 (Part 1) V2.1

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Chapter 3.1 - 2168 (Part 1) V2.1

Somewhere on an isolated beach on the Gold Coast of Australia, a tall beautiful, tanned woman of the typical varied ethnic background of North Americans was lying topless next to her lover. He was slightly taller than she and had a slightly lighter skin tone. As it turns out, he couldn't get a tan to save his life. He sat up to put on a little more sunscreen #69. His friend helped with his back. Robert then picked up his tablet to continued reading his favorite new book "Just picture it." The delightful and uplifting novel was not his usual fare but was a nice distraction from technical journals and the like. He was able to enjoy the story for twenty minutes or so and then an irritated look appeared on his face as the comm unit implant in his mastoid bone alerted again.

Doctor Robert Scott acknowledged the communication and then looked at his lovely wife and said. "Mynah, I think that the honeymoon is over. This is the third time Fleet has pinged me today. The final integration tests must have gone well."

She sat up and looked at him from under her sunglasses. She gestured to the perfect blue water and light surf. "It's okay babe, we've had a good three weeks. We really earned it after all of the work we put in over the last year and a half. I guess it's time to go home and pay the piper."

Robert smiled and was more than slightly distracted by the beauty of his genius wife, but managed to say. "Yeah, I'm afraid that it's time that we take the sub shuttle back home and get back to work."

His friend and lover smiled. "It's okay Bobby; I've had a wonderful time here with you. We'll have to come back here again sometime. I guess it's time for the next adventure life brings us!"

As a gull squawked loudly above, Mynah smiled wickedly and then continued. "It's also nice to know that Fleet, GA and even Mick and his team of miracle workers can't do anything without the two of us!"

Robert then leaned over and kissed his bride, best friend, and colleague.

After cleaning up at the resort, the two friends boarded the Sydney to Los Angeles sub shuttle. Even at the supersonic speeds of the underground maglev tube train, the trip took nearly five hours. Once they got to L.A. and cleared North American Alliance customs, an awaiting air cab took them from the terminal directly to Cal Tech. Captain Goldberg had been insistent that they arrive as soon as possible...

Early in the California morning; which to Robert and Mynah was the middle of the night Australia/stomach time, they arrived at the lab complex. As they landed on the hover pad, Robert and Mynah were surprised to be greeted by an armed escort of NAA Marines and Captain Goldberg's assistant, Ms. Hillary. As much as Robert disliked Goldberg, he thought even less of Hillary. The thin-faced woman said impatiently as they exited the automated vehicle. "We've been waiting Doctor Scott, this way please."

Robert held Mynah's hand tightly and said with false sincerity to Goldberg's assistant. "Thank you for meeting us, Ms. Hillary. You didn't have to go to the trouble. I'm sure that my staff could've taken care of it."

She winced at the sarcasm. "Not a problem, sir. Captain Goldberg insisted."

After their honeymoon trip to the barrier reef, Doctor and Mrs. Scott did not have much time to unpack. All of the Scott–Mittal grav plate installations had gone off without a hitch; mostly thanks to Mick Jones and his team. Someone had once said that the Scots had Invented the Modern World. Mick Jones, late of Caithness Scotland was living proof that it was still true!

There was a flurry of activity and many more people than usual occupied the lab's small spaces. Upon looking at the cacophony of action, Doctor Scott asked his lead technician. "What in hell is going on here, John?"

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